GlassFish V3 one pagers: interface taxonomy

From: Lloyd Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 17:10:50 -0700

If you've prepared a one-pager, please update the interface taxonomy
to current terminology (since 2006).

For “Imported Interfaces” (4.5.2 of most of the one-pagers), please
use current terminology eg Committed/Uncommitted/Volatile. It seems
the template used old terminology. Let's fix the terminology before
it propagates like kudzu.

This comment applies to all the one-pagers. Details here:

Old Classification New Classification Comments
Public Committed Name change
Stable Committed Name change
Standard Committed Include a reference to the controlling specification
Evolving Committed All ON/PSARC cases
Evolving Uncommitted Except ON/PSARC cases
Unstable Uncommitted Name change
External Volatile Name change with expansion of allowed usage
Obsolete (Obsolete) Was a classification, now a modifier
*Private *Private Unchanged


Lloyd Chambers
GlassFish team, admin
LSARC member