Re: admin gui jsp impl

From: Eliot Morrison <Eliot.Morrison_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 18:43:31 -0700

Unless this is very straightforward to fix, I would propose sometime
after the 7/30 drop to NB. We should understand the complexity of the
solution first though. I agree with Sahoo that we want this under RE


Sahoo wrote:
> Simple answer is they all should be part of same build. We shall do it
> after SCF.
> Or, if you have cycles to do so, let me know. We can do it before SCF
> as well.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Bhakti Mehta wrote:
>> Jerome/Koshuke/Sahoo and others,
>> Not sure if you have already discussed this.
>> What are the reasons
>> 1. admin gui is not built part of v3 workspace/
>> We ran into an issue today where Terena could not build and all I did
>> was create
>> this new job http://hudson.sfbay/job/admingui-prelude-m1a/1/console
>> which built admin gui and pushed to maven repo using
>> mirror-glassfish-repository and that helped but
>> we need to know the main cause. Also this creates a circular
>> dependency where v3 needs to be built before admin gui and admin gui
>> needs to be built before v3. I think Anissa and Ken removed some
>> references but still it showed today
>> that if admin gui makes changes to its dependencies it needs to be
>> pushed out before the web bundle is created?
>> Why is admin gui so different from others?
>> 2. jspimpl is still snapshot? When all other external workspaces are
>> release based why are we still following snapshots for jspimpl?
>> Pls can you clarify. These will help reduce problems we encounter and
>> maybe we can find better solutions here
>> Regards,
>> Bhakti
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