Re: admin, phobos dependency on apache-commons

From: Amy Roh <Amelia.Roh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:09:41 -0700

Amy Roh wrote:
> I'm in a process of removing web dependency of org.glassfish.external
> apache-commons and notice that admin & phobos have dependency on
> apache-commons - extras\phobos\pom.xml, admin\util\pom.xml,
> admin\jmx-remote\server\pom.xml.
> I would like to change v3/distribution/external/apache-commons to get
> rid of commons-collection, commons-digester, and commons-modeler
> dependency since web no longer requires it.
> Which does admin\phobos depend on if any at all - commons-beanutils,
> commons-collections, commons-digester, commons-logging, commons-modeler
> from apache-commons?

I see that admin only requires beanutils and phobos does not really need
apache-commons after all. I will remove it accordingly...

> Thanks,
> Amy
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