RE: [_at_V] Question on Bug 3625 on Verifier

From: Seema Richard <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2008 22:09:47 +0530


For web_app_2.5 and web_app_2.5, I have included <api_ref api_name_version="EJB_Client_3.0"/>

However, for web app 2.3, the mapping is
  <api name_version="web_app_2.3">
        <api_ref api_name_version="J2EE_1.3"/>

So I will have to add a separate list of technologies in this case. Why is the mapping given directly to J2EE only for web_app_2.3 and web_app_2.2?


-----Original Message-----
From: Sahoo []
Sent: Mon 5/26/2008 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: [@V] Question on Bug 3625 on Verifier

Good finding. Looks like we need to introduce a notion of client APIs,
e.g. EJB_Client_3.0 and instead of adding EJB_3.0 to web_app_2.5, we
need to add EJB_Client_3.0. What do you think?

I have now confirmed the issue.


Seema Richard wrote:
> Sahoo,
> I had a query regarding the bug about detecting non-standard
> annotations in code. This is the example that you provided for the bug.
> @WebService
> public class MyServletEndpoint {
> @javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) // incorrect use
> public void registerUser(String username, String encodedPW) {
> // ...
> }
> }
> However, since a servlet is allowed to access EJB client API, classes
> in javax.ejb package are in the classpath for a web module. Hence they
> would not be considered as non-standard annotations. Please comment on
> this. Also, please change the status of the bug from 'Unconfirmed' to
> 'New'.
> Thanks,
> Seema