Re: [v3]: Engineering Discussions

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2008 19:12:45 -0700

We will also try out the GlassFish channel. Don't know how the sound is
going to work out - I have not had time to get the mikes - but we will
give it a try. If it does not work out, we will mute and just use video
+ chat + the concall for sound.

Abhijit Kumar wrote:
> Folks,
> Over the next few days, I plan to get the GlassFish development team
> together to discuss feature set, open technical issues and time line to
> ensure alignment. Some of us will meet today at 4:00 pm (Pacific) to
> figure out the topics, logistics and a schedule for the engineering
> discussions. Please attend to share your thoughts on how to make the
> process work best.
> Here are the meeting co-ordinates:
> Sun Santa Clara SCA14/Pirates of the Caribbean Conference Room
> Toll Free: (866) 545-5227
> Int'l Access/Caller Paid: 215-446-3648
> Access Code: 3535518
> Thanks,
> Abhijit
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