Re: [v3] Can't I rely on getURLs() anymore?

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 10:59:22 -0700

Kin-man Chung wrote:
>> Secondly, classloader is not always of type URLClassLoader. Can't the
>> Java compiler be improved to use a ClassLoader to find required
>> resource? If JDK folks fix this bug [1], would that solve the issue
>> for JDK 6 at least?
> It would be nice if Javac, when invoked programmatically using Jsr199,
> can take a ClassLaoder instead of a classpath to resolve references, but
> [1] is only a RFE, and is not fixed in JDK 6, sadly.
> -Kin-man
I know that RFE is not fixed yet; I was asking if they fixed it, would
it solve the issue? If yes, then can we request them to fix it soon?
