Re: Gem glassfish v3: concurrency problems...

From: Pramod Gopinath <Pramod.Gopinath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 10:37:29 -0800

Hi Gianluca
   Thanks for the detailed steps that you have provided. I am the person
responsible for maintaining and releasing the GlassFish V3 gem.
Yes there is a problem with the gem and in fact there is an issue
already on this topic - 3966
Sorry U ran into this issue. I would be definitely fixing this issue as
part of the next gem release.

Pramod Gopinath

Gianluca Tessarolo wrote:
> Hi,
> I've tried the new GlassFish gem (Arun Gupta notified me about the new
> release and tell me to notify the problem at your email address)...
> There are problems with concurrent requests...
> Here what I've done:
> - Installed JRuby 1.1RC2 (fresh installation)
> - Installed rails gem: jruby -S gem install rails
> - Installed activerecord jdbc adapter: jruby -S gem install
> activerecord-jdbc-adapter
> - Copy mysql jar into jruby lib
> - Installed new gf gem: jruby -S gem install
> glassfish-0.1.1-universal-java-1.5.gem
> - Run my rails app with 10 rails processes: jruby -J-Djruby.runtime=10
> -S glassfish_rails base
> It works very well and fast but if I try to call
> http://localhost:3000/test/test defined as:
> class TestController < ApplicationController
> def test
> # This is a method to test the rails concurrency under gf...
> 50000000.times do
> end
> render :text => "I'm the test..."
> end
> end
> and concurrently try to call a second method
> http://localhost:3000/other/show defined as:
> class OtherController < ApplicationController
> def show
> render :text => "I'm here !"
> end
> end
> the last response (other/show) show a blank page !!!
> The glassfish gem write: GRAVE: null
> The rails log seems ok (no error at all)
> So, again, the concurrency support seems to be broken...
> Hope this helps...