[v3] - some initial observations

From: paul hendley <Paul.Hendley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 11:40:47 -0500

Hi All.

After trying to get a few things working in v3, I noticed the following
and was curious if folks might have comments/suggestions on these.

Also, I understand many things are just not yet implemented, thats
expected. I merely wanted to point out what I noticed in case some
items are not going to be there - as it indicates I may need to change
some things going forward.

1. I notice the following commands no longer seem to be supported and I
was curious if this is just functionality that will be implemented but
hasn't been done yet or if there is an alternate way of doing it.

   ./asadmin passwordfile xxx
   ./asadmin create-file-user
   ./asadmin set

Is there a list of asadmin features that lists what will eventually be
there and what won't?

2. I don't see a GUI yet, and since there appears to be no support for
adding a new user on the command line, I'm curious to know how (or if)
we can manage users for now.

3. Regarding security, is it disabled and not supported for this
particular v3 release? Or should we expect it to be there and enabled.
  Right now, I'm curious about support for security realms, support for
JSR-196, and support for JSR-115.

4. In JavaEE/GF v2, there was the idea of the all encompassing
javaee.jar file. This used to contain all classes and made it much
easier when doing things like testing so that we don't need to manually
go through and start adding many (30, 40, ???) individual jar files to
our various test classpaths. Will there be something similar to
javaee.jar or is that not going to happen for v3?

While we're talking about jar files, I noticed everything was moved from
AS_HOME/lib/*.jar to AS_HOME/modules/*.jar. Is this temporary?

5. Will there still be an endorsed dir in v3 and if so will it be in
the same place? (eg AS_HOME/lib/endorsed)
(Doc seemed to indicate this would be the case but I figured I'd confirm

6. GF V2 had some default templates (in AS_HOME/lib/install/templates )
I don't see these anymore, will these eventually be there in v3?

7. I manually deployed my jars (I tried deploying using both the
autodeploy dir and the manual "asadmin deploy" command). Regardless of
which way I deployed, I was having some problems which I did not used to
have in v2 and it made me question if the extension lib dir was working

The problems I encountered seemed as if the jar files I was putting into
the AS_HOME/domains/domain1/lib/ext directory were not being picked up.
Is this no longer the place to put the extension libraries? Or could
there be a problem with this directory not being used right now?

For those interested in a bit more details on this, the server log
indicated my deploy was successful. But shortly after, I ended up
getting ClassNotFoundException in the server.log. The exception was
complaining about not being able to find a class that was in my jar file
in the AS_HOME/domains/domain1/lib/ext dir.
