Re: Very unusual problem faced while doing build with maven

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 23:05:56 +0530


I think you are correct. It is somehow related to the other issue that I
am encountering today, where I am seeing jar files being installed with
a .hk2-jar extension in local repository.


Craig L Russell wrote:
> Hi Sahoo,
> Maven has two distinct phases when producing artifacts: the build
> phase and the install phase. From your description, the jar was built
> ok but not installed. If you run mvn jar:install in the project that
> builds the jar, does it get copied to your local repo?
> Maven goals that are single words are locally defined. It sounds like
> the "install" goal doesn't actually jar:install the artifact. Look at
> your project for the definition of install.
> Craig
> On Mar 25, 2008, at 4:14 AM, Sahoo wrote:
>> Today, I experienced something very unusual while using Maven. I
>> can't believe a build system like Maven behaves this way. I was
>> firing a build from v3 directory using 'mvn install' command, which
>> includes two modules called webtier and webtier-all in addition to
>> many more modules. Both the modules produce jar artifacts. Since
>> webtier-all depends on webtier module, maven started building webtier
>> ahead of webtier-all. webtier module produced the following jar file:
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 ss141213 staff 2104615 Mar 25 14:20
>> webtier-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> Later on, while building webtier-all module, I was very surprised to
>> notice that it was downloading webtier-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar from remote
>> glassfish repo [1]. I am 100% sure of this, because of two reasons:
>> 1) I had redirected the build output to a log file and the message
>> /"Downloading:
>> comes after webtier was built.
>> 2) The signature of the jar in my local maven repo matches that of
>> the nightly binary that was posted in the remote repo as shown below:
>> diff
>> ~/maven2rep/org/glassfish/web/webtier/10.0-SNAPSHOT/webtier-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.sha1
>> ~/download/webtier-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.sha1
>> Eventually, although my build was successful, I ended up with a
>> and which contained webtier.jar that's
>> available in remote repository and the webtier.jar that my local
>> workspace had produced. I have not seen this kind of behavior
>> earlier. One thing to note is that while I was doing a build, the
>> glassfish repo was also updated, but the jar in glassfish repo has a
>> timestamp of 14:13 (after converting to IST) was produced earlier
>> than mine which has a timestamp of 14:20. That confuses me even
>> further. BTW, my workspace is up-to-date.
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
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> Craig Russell
> Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
> 408 276-5638
> P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!