Re: who is trying to register 'com.sun.appserv' MBeans?

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 14:31:29 -0700

A few thoughts:

- many of the Tomcat MBeans are not and were not supported in AMX (eg
the valve-related ones)
- it's OK to delegate to another MBean, even in V3
- changing the domain name from com.sun.appserv to "tomcat" for tomcat
MBeans would make the distinction clear, and prevent inppropriate
usage from V3


On Mar 21, 2008, at 10:16 PM, Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
> Jan,
>> We can't simply not register them without breaking the web container.
>> The monitoring mbeans delegate to these beans, and every http
>> listener populates
>> or clears its request mapper in response to the registration or
>> unregistration,
>> respectively, of these beans.
>> Why should these beans no longer be registered?
> I think we have got to make decision here. This delegation thing
> is simply being rather too round-about. We seem to be deviating toward
> having one AMX - MBean API and its implementation that does the
> right thing
> directly. It's too many MBean "layers" otherwise. Thus all config/
> monitoring
> and runtime information should be expose through AMX API and
> implementation.
> Somehow, we need to have AMX implementation classes for say servlet
> call into the web-container implementation to get the values, both
> for runtime and monitoring aspects.
> Would you or Amy or JFA have time to talk to Lloyd in this regard?
> This does not need to be done for TP-2.
> Regards,
> Kedar
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Lloyd L Chambers
Sun Microsystems, Inc