fixed quicklook failures.

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 14:55:34 -0700

We have the quick look passing with my latest fix, I think we can
assume the problem is fixed until further notice. The main problems
that had to be fixed was the universal (fixed by byron) and security
realms modules were not hk2 module but plain old jar files.

This was especially wrong for realms module as it was itself depending
on hk2 modules (like glassfish-api) hence bringing all the imported
module in the class loader of the importing module, creating various

So from the conversation thread we had last week, It becomes more and
more clear that all of our server-side deliverables should be hk2-jar
files as starting to mix hk2-jars and jars in the import list of a jar
file that runs in the module subsystem is leading to nasty exceptions.

Remember to run QL before each checkin and if quicklook is currently
failing, please refrain from checking in until the failure is resolved.
