Jerome Dochez wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2008, at 9:56 AM, Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>> are you changing any Config objects ? up to now, the domain tree was
>>> unchanged when deploying, has this changed ?
>> This is a good time to decide what we should do here. My feeling is
>> that since config access has been improved in V3, we should have
>> an app/module entry created in domain.xml during deployment
>> and removed during undeployment.
>> This also facilitates the target based deployment/undeployment.
>> What do you think?
> yes but not today, we need to have admin/deployment/containers in sync
> to do that successfully....
admin/deployment -- yes. Frankly, the admin adaptor that deals with
(un)deployment (and all management) requests should call deployment code, which
does not do anything with config (as in domain.xml), gets the status that
deployment was successful or not and then modify the config (domain.xml)
So, I think this is really an admin/config issue and has nothing to do
with containers. Am I missing something?