Ah, I hope you are not using me as a testing resource ;)
I'm unclear about your development/deployment environment. Are you using
Springbook 2.0 on Rails 1.2.5 or something else ? Or are you asking me
to test Springbook 3.0 ?
I have not tested Rails 2.0 on GlassFish so not surprised if that
configuration does not work.
Changshin Lee wrote:
> Arun,
> I've almost finished migrating SpringBook to Rails 2.0 and the next
> version (probably 3.0) will not require additional jars thanks to
> ActiveResource. Please download SpringBook 3.0 early access
> at http://springbook.playmaru.net/pages/475272 and follow User Guide
> again. Of course, you need a springnote account :-)
> Cheers,
> ias
> 2007. 11. 23, ¿ÀÀü 6:57, Arun Gupta ÀÛ¼º:
>> Ias,
>> Springbook 2.0
>> (http://springbook.playmaru.net/pages/475272/attachments/262129),
>> JRuby 1.0.2, Rails 1.2.5 is giving the following error on WEBrick ...
>> -- cut here --
>> => Booting WEBrick...
>> Rails Error: Unable to access log file. Please ensure that
>> C:/workarea/samples/jruby/springbook-2_0/
>> springbook-2_0/log/development.log exists and is chmod 0666. The log
>> level has been raised to WARN a
>> nd the output directed to STDERR until the problem is fixed.
>> C:/testbed/ruby/jruby-1.0.2/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.4.4/lib/active_support/dependenci
>> es.rb:498:in `require': cannot load Java class
>> ias.springnote.ws.client.SpringnoteService (NameError
>> )
>> from
>> C:/testbed/ruby/jruby-1.0.2/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.2.5/lib/commands/server.rb:3
>> 9
>> from
>> C:/testbed/ruby/jruby-1.0.2/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in
>> `re
>> quire'
>> from
>> C:/testbed/ruby/jruby-1.0.2/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in
>> `re
>> quire'
>> from :1
>> -- cut here --
>> Do I need something other than the zip file to run the project ?
>> -Arun
>> Changshin Lee wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'd like to deploy SpringBook (http://springbook.playmaru.net) on GF
>>> V3 and specifically use Root context for that. I modified
>>> glassfish.props for SpringBook:
>>> #GlassFish container properties
>>> #Thu Nov 22 10:53:46 KST 2007
>>> Name=
>>> Type=jruby
>>> Source=file\:/Users/ias/workspace/springbook-r2/
>>> Name value is empty, and http://localhost:8080 works fine, but when I
>>> try to access http://localhost:8080/pages, then
>>> No adapter registered for : /pages
>>> occurs. If one application is registered to an adapter with the root
>>> context , every request should be dispatched to the adapter.
>>> Thanks for your help in advance,
>>> ias
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Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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