Re: maven2 directory layout questions

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 14:45:03 -0800

Wayne Fay wrote:
> You should really send these questions to the Maven User list, Bill...
> People (like myself) who know "a lot" about Maven on that list would
> be happy to help.

I guess I was assuming most of my questions were more about how we're
using maven with glassfish, rather than general how to use maven questions.

> 1. A "doc" directory is fine. But more generally these things go in
> src/main/resources. It really depends on what you hope to do with
> them.

I hope to include them in a doc directory in a zip file I will create
for the JavaMail release.

I thought src/main/resources was for things that would (more or less)
appear directly in the jar file being created.

> 2. Ideally they need to be moved to src/main/resources. You can
> configure things so that you can leave them in src/main/java, but it
> starts getting messy.

You're kidding, right? I can't keep the package.html part of my
javadocs next to the *.java part of my javadocs? Yuck!

Again, these aren't things that appear in the jar file. I guess
I don't understand what all is supposed to be in src/main/resources...