Re: GF documentation // was Re: Spec version of various technologies in a particular release of GlassFish?

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 10:16:51 -0700

On Oct 24, 2007, at 7:25 AM, Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:

> One of the things I really liked about Emacs is that the
> documentation was/is an integral part of the binary. You could
> always get at it via M-x info et al. IIRC, it is still possible to
> strip out the documentation if you really wanted, but most of the
> time you just have it. Since the documentation came from the info
> strings in the code, there was no possibility of having version
> mismatches. It also drove code completion, etc.
> What are our plans for documentation for GFv3?
mostly it will be in the code, using annotations with associated
ResourceBundles. we should also use more widely javadocs, I am also a
strong believer of co-locating the code and documentation as it really
help to keep things in sync.

as for the exact version numbers of each technologies, I think Sahoo
is looking for this

but for v2, and we don't have it AFAIK


> - eduard/o
> Sahoo wrote:
>> Where do we document what versions of various specifications, like
>> JAXB, JAX-WS, JPA, etc., are implemented in a particular release of
>> GlassFish? I looked for such information in,
>> but did not find it.
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
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