GF documentation // was Re: Spec version of various technologies in a particular release of GlassFish?

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 07:25:59 -0700

One of the things I really liked about Emacs is that the documentation
was/is an integral part of the binary. You could always get at it via
M-x info et al. IIRC, it is still possible to strip out the
documentation if you really wanted, but most of the time you just have
it. Since the documentation came from the info strings in the code,
there was no possibility of having version mismatches. It also drove
code completion, etc.

What are our plans for documentation for GFv3?

        - eduard/o

Sahoo wrote:
> Where do we document what versions of various specifications, like JAXB,
> JAX-WS, JPA, etc., are implemented in a particular release of GlassFish?
> I looked for such information in, but did not
> find it.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
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