Re: keep-alive working for TCP but not HTTP ?

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 10:38:28 -0400

Hi Gustav,

Gustav Trede wrote:
> Hello ,
> Http Service/listener settings in GF admin gui, keep alive value :
> -1 and positive numbers:

Just to make sure:

-1 : disable the keep-alive mechanism, which means connection are never

0: serve a single request, add 'connection: closed' to the response's
header and close the connection.

> 1. for me it does never affect the http transport.
> I have tested many different combinations of clientside keep
> alive request values.
> I get the impression its dead broken serverside.

if you do:

% telnet localhost 8080
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

You will get a response, then the connection will be closed after 30
seconds (default). Are you seeing something different?

> 2. Http socket idle timeout is allways random in the
> interval 5.0 <-> 10.0 seconds.
> 3. TCP is however fully affected and working by this setting's value.
> using:
> GFv2ur1 23/10 nighthly + WSIT CVS + jdk 1.6u5b5 win xp pro 64bit.
> wsit swing client to perform simple 'ping' tests on a basic WS
> servlet.

Do you have a simple test case to reproduce the problem? I'm not sure I
understand the TCP explanation :-) What kind of TCP connection are you


-- Jeanfrancois

> regards
> gustav trede
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