JAAS and Glassfish

From: Per Violet <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 19:11:46 +0200

Hi Erveryone.


I have a problem using the glassfish security manager with JAAS.

What I want to do is writing an form-based login and then a rolebased access
to the webressources.


I wrote a Servlet, which takes a username and a password from a webpage and
passes them to a logincontext.

I wrote a loginmodule for JAAS and I wrote a cusomreaml for the glassfish,
just like the example of the glassfish-page (HYPERLINK

Im using the a glassfish 9.x and so I took this part of the page.

Everything works fine. I got an instance of the class subject and within
this instance some principals (in the case the login was successful)


Now I tried to secure some JSPs with the deployment descriptors, using the
well described Xml-Tags.

But when I request the secured JSP, i cant, because, the security-manager
denied. It seemed, that my Instance of the subject isn’t known by the
applicationserver. But there is no way decribed in the documents I read, how
to tell the applicationserver of my JAAS-subject. I tried to pass it to a
HTTPSession within the login-servlet, but it don’t works. Within my secured
JSP, I don’t receive the role, my subject is the owner from. (I think,
because there is no subject anymore – there must be a way, to pass the
subject to the Applicationserver, but otherwise I thought, that’s what the
Glassfishrealm does)


Another Problem is, that I don’t se, how to make a logout, because I loose
my logincontext, when switching to another Page.


Perhaps somebody is kind enough to help me. I’m almost going crazy.


Greetings from Germany, Per Violet


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