Re: Must be on-line to start glassfish?

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 07:42:52 -0500

Hi, Tomas.

(This question might be a better fit on the users alias for users of
GlassFish, rather than the dev alias which is typically used for
developers of GlassFish.)

The usual cause of this sort of behavior is that the system ID specified
in the descriptor is not quite correct. GlassFish will resolve the
system IDs against its own local copies of descriptors (and schemas) to
prevent exactly the kind of network traffic you are reporting. It
installs the local copies in the ${install-dir}/lib/dtds and .../schemas
directories. Only if it cannot find a local copy given the system ID
will it use the network to retrieve the DTD.

If you look in the dtds directory at the sun-ejb-jar_2_1-1.dtd you'll
see a comment reporting that the system ID is

-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server 8.1 EJB 2.1//EN

The descriptor you mentioned specifies

-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Sun ONE Application Server 8.1 EJB 2.1//EN

Note the additional "Sun ONE" in the descriptor-specified system ID.
Try removing that and see if that works better.

- Tim

Tomas Gustavsson wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question that is bugging me. If I'm not on-line, for example
> when I'm at the airport, I can not start Glassfish (latest V2
> currently). I get an error when my application deploys that Glassfish
> can not verify the DTD, because it can not go out on the net to the
> Can this on-line verification not be turned off?
> I think it is quite common that secure applications would be deployed
> in a server room with no internet access, only intranet access. Also
> seems very fragile if the sun-site is down, my app can not start?
> DTD is from sun-ejb-jar.xml:
> ---
> <!DOCTYPE sun-ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Sun ONE
> Application Server 8.1 EJB 2.1//EN"
> "">
> ---
> Regards,
> Tomas
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