Re: GF startup failure

From: Dinesh Patil <Dinesh.Patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2007 11:40:54 -0800

Bobby Bissett - Javasoft wrote:

> Dinesh Patil wrote:
>> GlassFish build on Hudson with Lloyd's changes seems to be fine..
>> so you can do "maven checkout bootstrap-all build" again to resolve
>> this.
> I wrote:
>>>>> Even after a "clean clobber" and a "checkout bootstrap-all build
>>>>> configure-runtime" I am unable to start the server.
> So something else is wrong. I don't know what my steps have to do with
> this, but here's what I'm doing (I've attached the war file since it's
> small) since I bet someone will ask what I'm doing to break the server :)
> - brand new empty dir, checkout/checkout/bootstrap-all/build/configure
> runtime
> - cd to domain1
> - asadmin start-domain
> - go to admin console in browser and add a user to the file realm in
> the group "mygroup"
> - copy war file to autodeploy
> - go to http://localhost:8080/hello2_basicauth/greeting, try to log
> in, and get failure message. This failure is expected because the web
> app requires default principal to role mapping to be turned on.
> - undeploy war by doing "rm autodeploy\hello2_basicauth.war"
> - go to admin console and enable default p2r mapping, click Save
> - deploy war again and test, which passes (am able to log in)

This means there is no problem on the server which is built in your
workspace.. but the steps below may be causing the issue..
Since it was working for your yesterday, that means your env may not be
the issue, so just try it on new workspace from start, and see if that
resolves. I am not aware of what's "turn off default p2r", someone else
can help you for this.
but this is definitely build issue, as initially server started

> - undeploy again
> - restart browser, go to admin console, turn off default p2r, click Save
> - deploy war again and test, which still passes anyway (the issue I
> was investigating)
> - undeploy war again
> - asadmin stop-domain
> - asadmin start-domain
> - wonder why the process isn't completing and then check log to see
> that the startup failed
> So that's it -- more than anyone needs to know probably, but I wanted
> to share in case there is a connection between the above steps and my
> installation getting hosed. I've been through the above cycle a couple
> times now with the same results, though yesterday it worked fine for me.
> Also, I'm not aware of any changes in my environment except that it's
> one day older. I just picked up where I left off yesterday, except
> updated my build first.
> Thanks,
> Bobby
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