Re: No information on CVS-News...

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 14:35:17 -0700

Jan Luehe wrote:
> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote On 07/27/06 14:00,:
>> According to http://cvs-news.sfbay, the only 3 committers that are
>> using CVS-News are: Jan, Kohsuke and Jean-Francois. Is that the case?
>> Recall we agreeded we would *all* start using this machinery.
> I've noticed that some of us have interpreted the purpose of the cvs
> news tag differently. I was under the impression that its purpose was
> to highlight new features only, not bug fixes (I realize that in some
> cases, a bug fix could be considered a feature), and have therefore not
> applied it to my bux fixes.
> On the other hand, Kohsuke has also marked bug fixes with this tag, but
> in some cases, the message is just "Fixed issue <id>", which is not very
> helpful IMO.

Ah, but those tags are for JAXB. For JAXB, I use cvs-news to keep track
of what bugs I fixed for a given release. I'm suggesting a different
convention for Glassfish.

You are right that I should make the message bit more helpful, although
Trung is right that the tool can convert the bug id to more descriptive
text without asking humans to do it.

> Can we maybe introduce a second tag ("fixed") that should be used for
> bug fixes, and restrict "news" to new features that are not bug fixes?
> This way, when the "What's new" page for a promoted build gets compiled,
> all commits marked with "news" end up in the "New features" section,
> whereas all commits marked with "fixed" end up in the "Bug fixes"
> section. Kohsuke, would this be doable?

We can certainly have a tag for particularly noteworthy new features
(the equivalent of your "news" tag.) If we have that one, then "fixed"
is bit redundant, although we can have it if we want.

> Also, we should agree on a format for commit messages related to bug fixes.
> I suggest:
> Fixed GlassFish Issue <id>
> (<id>)
> Synopsis: <synopsis>
> Comments?

This is unnecessary. It should be done by cvs-news.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems