Re: AS9.0 FCS Bugswat

From: Vijay Ramachandran <Vijay.Ramachandran_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 14:42:18 -0800

Hi Jerome,

Here is the status of my bugs :

> 356 DEFECT P2 PC vijaysr STARTED Web service tester app doesn't update methods

The problem here is because of the caching we are doing. When
testerServlet is called for a service, we run wsimport once and cache
it. Suppose if a user, deploys a service, tests it using TesterServlet,
adds one more WeBMethod to the service and redeploys the service - then
TesterServlet will not pick up this new WebMethod because we use the
cached wsimport stuff.

Fix is ready and tested - it will be checked in as part of the next set.

> 153 vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 2 6395079 fip 1D regression : jaxrpc endpoint authentication fails

When I fixed set the WebPrincipal for JAXWS service, I did not ensure to
do this only for JAXWS service - hence JAXRPC service got affected

Fix is ready and tested - it will be checked in as part of the next set.

> 154 vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 3 6349333 acc 16W For secure JAXWS 2.0 web service requests the content must be displayed.

WS-MGMT wants the messages of even secure JAXWS services to displayed
after decrypting - Ron is against that - trying come up with a

> 155 vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 3 6390895 acc 1W need pickup l10n jar file for wsgen and wsimport if we l10n it

I have mot looked into this as yet.

Plus :

1. I will be checking in the xjc and schemgen scripts as part of the
next WSPACK integration; looks like we do not need to go for an ARC
approval because these scripts were already approved as part of iStack
ARC process

2. I will be doing one more WSPACK integration later this week to bring
in fixes for 7P3 filed on jaxws, jaxb and xwss

3. I will have to do one more WSPACK integration early next week to
bring in the latest spec changes (some JAXB-EJB alignment issues raised
by Bill last week)
