AS9.0 FCS Bugswat

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 10:37:09 -0800


Bugswat today will be held at 2pm exceptionally. If you cannot make it,
please send me an email with your bugs update. We are doing great (down
to 156 bugs in bugster) but there is only 10 days left so let's finish
this off.

*Toll Free Dial In Number:* (866)545-5223
*Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number:* (865)673-9887
*ACCESS CODE:* 5789900

TIME : 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm PST

First list are the issue tracker bugs, second list is the bugster list.

Thanks, Jerome

Issue Type Priority Platform Owner State Resolution Summary
4 DEFECT P4 All carlavmott NEW instructions for configure-runtime incorrect
10 DEFECT P3 All amyroh NEW missing cvs email notification
13 DEFECT P3 Linux hl34125 NEW Documentation error for start|stop-domain --savemasterpassword
14 DEFECT P3 Linux janey STARTED Documentation error in asadmin help create-domain
15 DEFECT P3 Linux janey STARTED create-domain does not document properly a way to set the jmx admin port
16 DEFECT P3 Linux kcavanaugh NEW Setting orb-listener-1.address= has no effect
17 DEFECT P3 Linux ne110415 NEW jmx-connector.system.address= does nothing
19 DEFECT P3 All qouyang NEW deployment uri interoperability issues
32 DEFECT P3 Linux ahshishs NEW LoginContextDriver.doPasswordLogin() looses the thrown stack from a custom login module
36 DEFECT P3 All hl34125 NEW start-database not listed in asadmin help
56 DEFECT P3 All pramodgo STARTED Cannot query a row which contains MAX values of datatypes with Derby as DB
58 DEFECT P3 PC va146370 NEW Verifier bounces on callback, apparently internal NPE
68 DEFECT P2 All kx125475 NEW Log file should have only information that is relevant to the users
93 DEFECT P3 Linux amyroh NEW Installation screen is garbled, cannot accept license
95 DEFECT P3 Sun bhavanishankar NEW any jar is a verified Java EE 5
97 DEFECT P3 Macintosh dpatil NEW Make it so all glassfish jars follow best practices for MANIFEST.MF entries
99 DEFECT P3 All snjezana STARTED Cannot install GF alongside an existing SJSAS install
100 DEFECT P3 All ss144236 NEW Default start page after install is misleading
101 DEFECT P3 Linux tware STARTED NPE is thrown when use Entitymanager in J2SE project
107 DEFECT P3 Macintosh tjquinn NEW Java Web Start version of the Application Client downloads too many and too big jar files
108 DEFECT P3 All tjquinn NEW JavaWebStart version of the application client does not display the system.outs
111 DEFECT P3 Linux hzhang_jn NEW Can't deploy module with MDB bean
123 DEFECT P3 PC mvatkina NEW Extended Persistence Context does not work
124 DEFECT P3 PC tware STARTED Entity life cycle callbacks don't work
131 DEFECT P3 Sun tjquinn NEW CDDL header included in jnlp files?
133 DEFECT P5 All ds122787 NEW IGNORE: Test bug submitted for two way bug bridge
136 DEFECT P3 Sun mb124283 NEW Parser not catching invalid type for subquery used with IN expression
137 DEFECT P3 All jluehe NEW Poor JSF error reporting when skipping Faces servlet
139 DEFECT P3 All pramodgo NEW Java2DB does not drop sequences during undeploy/redeploy
140 DEFECT P3 All mb124283 NEW EJBQL: exception for subquery using outer identification variable in the FROM clause
143 DEFECT P3 All km105526 NEW Glassfish non functional after a reboot and no shutdown
144 DEFECT P3 All kravtch STARTED Fail to create virtual host for some domain names
146 DEFECT P3 Sun mb124283 NEW EJB QL: Parser not caching invalid argument type used with Arithmetic Function, MOD
162 DEFECT P3 All pramodgo STARTED Error using @TableGenerator
177 DEFECT P3 All jc129909 NEW Web application - <redeploy> doesn't work
178 DEFECT P3 All sheetalv NEW managed connection factory resource adapter association may be lost when deploying application with resource references
186 DEFECT P2 Sun mb124283 STARTED EJB QL: Unused "Join" Variable results in incorrect results
187 DEFECT P3 Sun mb124283 STARTED EJB QL: Queries with Fetch Join are not yet working
188 DEFECT P3 All jluehe STARTED Roller Web Application crashes Glassfish
189 DEFECT P3 All mb124283 NEW EJBQL: SQL misses outer join for EJBQL OUTER JOIN identification variable
191 DEFECT P3 All pramodgo NEW The data type for BLOB and CLOB in the generated DDL is VARCHAR(255)
193 DEFECT P3 Sun kcavanaugh STARTED enum unmarshalling creates new instance of the value
194 DEFECT P3 All sankara NEW NPE during transaction rollback
197 DEFECT P3 All mb124283 NEW EJBQL: duplicated tables in generated SQL
199 DEFECT P3 Macintosh carlavmott NEW No path given in "ant" execution
210 DEFECT P3 All hzhang_jn NEW Message ID is INFO????
216 DEFECT P3 All janey NEW start-database should report errors better
217 DEFECT P4 All llc NEW Xlint:unchecked compilation warnings.
222 DEFECT P3 Sun mvatkina STARTED Java Persistence APis lack javadoc comments
223 DEFECT P3 All ss141213 NEW provider instrumented byte code may not be loaded b'cos of late loading of PUs
226 DEFECT P3 All pa100654 NEW Workspace cleanup ...
239 DEFECT P3 All va146370 NEW Only interface type can be used in value attribute of @Remote and @Local
248 DEFECT P2 PC mm110999 STARTED Incorrect data type is used for CURRENT_DATE
256 DEFECT P3 All mvatkina NEW NullPointerException when processing persistence.xml in J2SE environment
258 DEFECT P3 All ss144236 NEW documentation in the bundle is broken
262 DEFECT P3 All pa100654 NEW create-domain command prompts for master password
264 DEFECT P3 All carlavmott NEW Problems with
268 DEFECT P3 All mvatkina REOPENED findbugs utility finds issues in entity persistence
269 DEFECT P3 Linux jielin STARTED @Enumerated does not work well with ejb-ql
272 DEFECT P3 All pramodgo NEW There is no support in java2db for UniqueConstraints
282 DEFECT P3 Linux kcavanaugh STARTED Internally generated interface not found by analyzer
283 DEFECT P3 All pramodgo NEW For SERIAL field of Postgresql construct the correct sequence name
285 DEFECT P3 Linux tware NEW problem with EXTENDED persistency and stateful session beans
288 DEFECT P2 Sun edburns STARTED Oracle ADF Faces should run without modification on Glassfish.
289 DEFECT P2 Sun rlubke STARTED Jakarta Shale should work without modification on Glassfish.
290 DEFECT P2 Sun rogerk NEW JBoss Seam should work without modification on Glassfish
292 DEFECT P3 All km105526 NEW TimerService configuration screen
302 DEFECT P3 All tjquinn STARTED Improve the message on deployment failure
321 DEFECT P3 All hzhang_jn STARTED Web App Deployment Issue
310 DEFECT P3 All mb124283 NEW EJBQL: constructor query with aggregate argument runs into NPE
319 DEFECT P2 All km105526 NEW password alias feature not working in domain.xml
320 DEFECT P2 Sun tware STARTED Database lock encountered when using Application-Managed Entity Manager
322 DEFECT P2 PC tware STARTED NPE when use inheritance in entity class
323 DEFECT P3 PC qouyang NEW Java2DB : --droptables=true is not dropping the tables upon undeploy.
325 DEFECT P3 Sun tware NEW manifest in toplink-essentials-agent.jar still references asm and antlr jars
327 DEFECT P3 Sun mvatkina NEW persistence property names aren't qualified
329 DEFECT P3 Linux jluehe NEW Deploy failure when Servlet in JSF EAR
330 DEFECT P3 Linux qouyang NEW Info about successfull autodeployment when it was indeed not successfull
332 DEFECT P3 All tware REOPENED Exception thrown while querying entity inside WAR's lib with a mapping file
334 DEFECT P3 Linux kx125475 NEW Hiding errors in logfile on INFO level
335 DEFECT P3 All pramodgo NEW Generator Table of TableGenerator getting dirty + no PK on name column with derby
336 DEFECT P3 Sun tware STARTED mapping file not processed unless explicitly specified in mapping-file element
339 DEFECT P2 Sun tware STARTED default listeners applied to entities in persistence unit not invoked
340 DEFECT P2 Sun mb124283 NEW EJB QL Null Comparison Expressions fails with SQLException on Derby
341 DEFECT P3 Sun mvatkina NEW toplink.orm.throw.exceptions=true should be the default
342 DEFECT P3 Linux pramodgo NEW set primary key after persisting using PostgreSQL
343 DEFECT P3 All jielin STARTED EJBQL parser does not accept input parameter as ESCAPE character
344 DEFECT P3 All tware NEW Using Query.setFirstResult and setMaxResults return incorrect rows
347 DEFECT P3 All bjb NEW Clarify message at processTemporal
348 DEFECT P1 All pramodgo NEW Bad data type auto-generated : DECIMAL 5 0 when trying a 10 2 !
349 DEFECT P4 All tware NEW Out-of-order database operations can lead to deadlock
350 DEFECT P2 PC tware STARTED REGRESSION : Count, SUM, AVG query tests failing with latest glassfish build.
351 DEFECT P3 All tware NEW Overlapping PK/Fkey mapping not working
352 DEFECT P2 All anilam NEW admin console doesn't support setting environment entries
353 DEFECT P4 All tware NEW misleading error thrown when annotations are mixed between property and field
354 DEFECT P2 PC rlubke NEW Container not cleaning JAR when undeploying
356 DEFECT P2 PC vijaysr STARTED Web service tester app doesn't update methods
358 DEFECT P3 All dpatil NEW build fails with directory with space in name
360 DEFECT P3 PC mm110999 NEW EJBQL function LOCATE fails on Sybase [Datadirect driver]
363 DEFECT P3 All rlubke NEW Faces initialized twice at startup

9.0 PE Beta Open P2 Bugs
9.0 PE Beta Open P2 Bugs

#    RESP_MGR        RESP_ENGR       CAT/SUBCAT       P       ID   STA  AGE SYNOPSIS                                                                                             
1    abhijit.kumar   byron.nevins    sunone_app/admin 3  6324610   dis  24W Cannot add property in create custom mbean wizard                                                    
2    abhijit.kumar   jane.young      sunone_app/comma 3  6323972   ckn  25W asadmin start-domain: necessary domain.xml transformations don't occur ...                           
3    abhijit.kumar   jane.young      sunone_app/comma 3  6334997   ckn  21W create-domain ask PE user to provide master password                                                 
4    abhijit.kumar   jane.young      sunone_app/comma 3  6345382   fip  17W validate the callflow filter types to only allowed values                                            
5    abhijit.kumar   jane.young      sunone_app/comma 3  6372218   fun   7W start-database displays incorrect output message                                                     
6    abhijit.kumar   kedar.mhaswade  sunone_app/admin 3  6306057   ckn  30W adminGUI does not impose any rules on number of characters allowed while changing admin-password.    
7    abhijit.kumar   kedar.mhaswade  sunone_app/admin 3  6324749   acc  24W coonfigcontext exception should not be thrown in node agent when it is started first time.           
8    abhijit.kumar   kedar.mhaswade  sunone_app/admin 3  6325423   acc  24W inappropriate log message level                                                                      
9    abhijit.kumar   kedar.mhaswade  sunone_app/comma 3  6338352   acc  20W create-jvm-report needs to be selective in what it reports                                           
10   abhijit.kumar   lloyd.chambers  sunone_app/amx   3  6393787   fav   5D improve mapping of non-standard exceptions in AMX                                                    
11   abhijit.kumar   lloyd.chambers  sunone_app/amx   3  6393790   fav   4D make full use of Java generics throughout AMX API                                                    
12   abhijit.kumar   nandini.ektare  sunone_app/admin 3  6200011   ckn  15M [RN] Adding jconsole agent property to startup command, seems to disrupt internal comminication      
13   abhijit.kumar   nandini.ektare  sunone_app/admin 3  6334298   acc  21W get-client-stubs prints incorrect downloaded from location                                           
14   abhijit.kumar   nandini.ektare  sunone_app/admin 3  6359719   ckn  13W RMIRegistry should bind to specific addresses from configuration ...                                 
15   abhijit.kumar   nandini.ektare  sunone_app/comma 3  6325335   acc  24W confusing exit message thrown when --secure=true option is used in any cli command in 9.0PE          
16   abhijit.kumar   nandini.ektare  sunone_app/comma 3  6369318   acc   8W CLI create-transformation-rule should display more information during exceptions                     
17   abhijit.kumar   prashanth.abbag sunone_app/comma 3  6296862   ckn  33W AS: Different behaviour of -s and --secure option in asadmin command                                 
18   abhijit.kumar   prashanth.abbag sunone_app/comma 3  6346426   ckn  17W WSM:Missing --registryType option from deploy command                                                
19   abhijit.kumar   prashanth.abbag sunone_app/comma 3  6363010   ckn  12W SJAS 8.1URx : CLI :create-http-listener needs server-name (mandatory) but is optional in AdminGUI    
20   abhijit.kumar   prashanth.abbag sunone_app/comma 3  6363917   acc  11W asadmin should be smart enough to reuse the password in multimode                                    
21   abhijit.kumar   prashanth.abbag sunone_app/sampl 3  6373538   acc   7W Exisiting web service application must include ant target to do management                           
22   abhijit.kumar   rajeshwar.patil sunone_app/sampl 3  6370342   acc   8W Samples: Need sample application for Java EE 5 Annotations for deployment                            
23   abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/admin 3  6373508   acc   7W IllegalArgument exception when calling J2EEServer.StopApp()                                          
24   abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/confi 3  6311249   acc  29W PE log complains about spaces in path when there are none                                            
25   abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/confi 3  6358695   acc  13W If the netbeans profiler is installed in a dir with space, the app server cannot start               
26   abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/confi 3  6388770   acc   2W SJSAS8.1 UR2 : 'Product Name' property, is Overridden in ServerInstance when passed as JVM Option    
27   abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/sampl 3  6267652   acc  10M asant fails to deploy pestore on Windows if AS install path has a space                              
28   abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/sampl 3  6283331   acc   9M Cannot make sample cmpcustomer work following the sample instruction                                 
29   abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/sampl 3  6336617   acc  20W quickstart failed with ant deploy when AS path has a space                                           
30   abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/sampl 3  6348271   acc  16W Web services samples must use standard encoding style                                                
31   anil.gaur       harpreet.singh  sunone_app/monit 3  6348891   acc  16W timestmap field is 0 in callflow data                                                                
32   anil.gaur       harpreet.singh  sunone_app/monit 3  6365274   acc  11W Call Flow: the response time from the detail page doesn't add up to the total time for the request   
33   anil.gaur       harpreet.singh  sunone_app/monit 3  6372354   acc   7W Call flow framework does not pass the information about the included JSP in the trace notification   
34   anil.gaur       harpreet.singh  sunone_app/web_s 3  6371539   fun   7W A newly added UDDI Registry does not create connector connection pool properties                     
35   anil.gaur       harpreet.singh  sunone_app/web_s 3  6380634   acc   4W Unpublish does not completely remove service endpoint sub-components from a server                   
36   anil.gaur       sankara.rao     sunone_app/monit 3  6361368   dis  12W Transaction monitoring data in GUI is not shown properly                                             
37   anil.gaur       sathyan.catari  sunone_app/insta 3  6285678   acc  38W Uninstallation doesn't remove the "docs" folder from the AppServer installed directory.    
38   anil.gaur       sathyan.catari  sunone_app/insta 3  6286661   acc  37W AS81PEUR2: Installer refuses to start with Java 1.5.0                                                
39   anil.gaur       sathyan.catari  sunone_app/insta 3  6328383   ckn  23W Installer proceeds even if -javahome <javahome_dir> does not exist                             
40   anil.gaur       sathyan.catari  sunone_app/insta 3  6333842   fip  21W [BLOCKING]Installer for mac assumes incorrect location for Java 5                                    
41   anil.gaur       satish.viswanat sunone_app/monit 3  6374137   acc   6W mdb callflow data is not available                                                                   
42   anil.gaur       satish.viswanat sunone_app/web_s 3  6363510   acc  11W clear warning must be logged if an invalid xslt is added to transformations                          
43   anil.gaur       satish.viswanat sunone_app/web_s 3  6389997   ckn   1W WSM:Regression:Client Host does not display value anymore                                            
44   anil.gaur       satish.viswanat sunone_app/web_s 3  6394473   acc   1D Web Services management must implement mapToMessageTrace()                                           
45   anil.gaur       siraj.ghaffar   sunone_app/monit 3  6282008   fun   9M monitor MBean com.sun.appserv:type=jvm has inconsistent Statistics                                   
46   anil.gaur       siraj.ghaffar   sunone_app/monit 3  6336552   fun  20W Remove jvm-monitor from buildjvm-monitor.                                                            
47   anil.gaur       siraj.ghaffar   sunone_app/monit 3  6372117   ckn   7W JVM monitoring for HIGH and LOW doesn't function on Application Server using JDK 1.6                 
48   anil.gaur       siraj.ghaffar   sunone_app/web_s 3  6354573   acc  15W Regression:After publish a webservice endpoint, user is required to restart Servers                  
49   anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 2  6316047   fip  27W Windows services are not created for DAS and Node Agent on Windows 2000                              
50   anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 3  4748247   fip   3Y Wrong message thrown for illegal port no                                                             
51   anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 3  6356311   ckn  14W Admin Configuration screen is not good when coming back to the same screen.                          
52   anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 3  6380588   acc   4W AS9.0PE: Windows Only: Unable to start windows service if appserver is install in directory w/space  
53   anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 3  6384509   fun   3W Java EE SDK installation should support addon component installation                                 
54   anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 3  6392690-M fun   6D Changes required to accommodate derby rebranding                                                     
55   anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/packa 2  6380653   fun   4W Broken links in samples documentation                                                                
56   anil.gaur       sreenivas.munna sunone_app/sampl 3  6377806   acc   5W Remove invalid and unused "DerbyPool" Connection Pool                                      
57   anil.gaur       -               sunone_app/monit 2  6393219   dis   5D monitoring unit tests failing for WebModuleVirtualServerMonitor and others                           
58   eliot.morrison  jie.leng        sunone_app/cmp   3  6374405   acc   6W [8.x java2DB] cmpcmrApp doesn't work on 9.0PE-Beta with Derby with jdo/pmf as datasource             
59   eliot.morrison  ken.cavanaugh   sunone_app/orb   3  6297517   ffa  33W AS9.0EE: not able to deploy beans with no package ..                                                 
60   eliot.morrison  kenneth.saks    sunone_app/ejb_c 3  6230624   acc  12M ejb unlimited cache size mechanism is broken                                                         
61   eliot.morrison  mahesh.kannan   sunone_app/ejb_c 3  6353316   acc  15W bean removal-timeout-in-seconds attribute in domain.xml has higher precedence than application level 
62   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/cmp   3  6172925   ckn  17M restart required on pool change - java2db app is run after non-java2db (PasswordCredential Problem)  
63   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/cmp   3  6356269   ckn  14W AS8.1: EJB container should not expose to EJB code Java classes internal to the server               
64   eliot.morrison  sheetal.vartak  sunone_app/orb   2  6377594-M ckn   5W lookup problems with Weblogic initialcontext factory                                                 
65   eliot.morrison  sheetal.vartak  sunone_app/orb   3  6379389   acc   5W StackOverFlowError during one of the security test runtime.                                          
66   jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_c 2  6374990   fav   6W Response is not flushed to browser on RequestDispatcher.forward()                                    
67   jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_c 3  6281996   acc   9M monitor MBean com.sun.appserv:type=virtual-server has inconsistent Statistics                        
68   jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_c 3  6378267   ckn   5W Got error of Invalid BOM when using JDK1.6                                                           
69   jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_c 3  6384538   fip   3W Impossible to enable schema validation for TLDs                                                      
70   jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_c 3  6152587   acc  19M log4j1.2.8 in AS80U1 PE                                                                              
71   jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_c 3  6365165   def  11W web.xml welcome-file element with suffix other than *.jsp                                            
72   jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_i 3  6314912   fip  28W Parsing Error : Tiles not working in SJSAS 8.1                                                       
73   jim.driscoll sunone_app/web_c 2  6384313   fav   3W Allow Shale/MyFaces to be deployed in GlassFish                                                      
74   jim.driscoll    -               sunone_app/web_c 3  6389506   dis   1W JAPANESE CHARACTERS IN A WEB APPS ARE NOT SAVED OR DISPLAYED PROPERLY IN SJAS 8.1.02                 
75   narayanan.murth        sunone_app/jdbc  3  6356981   acc  14W IBM MQ createDurableSubscriber throws exception sometimes                                            
76   narayanan.murth        sunone_app/jms   3  6290372   fun  36W Generic RA - setting activation spec property 'DeadMessageDestinationJndiName' does not work         
77   narayanan.murth        sunone_app/jms   3  6364808   acc  11W XAMDB test failed on Linux, Embedded (in process). "IOException: Too many open files"- in  
78   narayanan.murth        sunone_app/other 2  6381793   acc   4W AsyncStartup reduce significantly Grizzly throughput                                                 
79   narayanan.murth        sunone_app/other 3  6378375   ckn   5W JNDI DataSource lookups from Lifecycle Listener thread fouls the context classloader                 
80   narayanan.murth        sunone_app/other 3  6382025   ckn   4W Transaction manager is not initialized until an XA resource is looked up.                            
81   narayanan.murth        sunone_app/web_s 3  6352690   ckn  15W JBI Service Enigine:Newly deployed endpoints should not be activated in JBI after SE uninstallation  
82   narayanan.murth jagadish.ramu   sunone_app/jdbc  3  6282001   acc   9M monitor MBean com.sun.appserv:type=type=jdbc-connection-pool has inconsistent Statistics             
83   narayanan.murth jagadish.ramu   sunone_app/jdbc  3  6321247   ckn  25W Connection pool does not reach steady-pool-size immediately after validation failure.                
84   narayanan.murth jagadish.ramu   sunone_app/jdbc  3  6331485   acc  22W Application don't throw exception if Pointbase is stopped.                                           
85   narayanan.murth jagadish.ramu   sunone_app/jdbc  3  6349929   acc  16W AssociateWithThread gives null pointer exception                                                     
86   narayanan.murth jagadish.ramu   sunone_app/jdbc  3  6393417   acc   5D Connection pool should not call getTransactionIsolationLevel too many times.                         
87   narayanan.murth kanwar.oberoi   sunone_app/jca   3  6239362   acc  12M AS 8.1 UR1 PE: many MBean server validation messages are not i18n-ed                                 
88   narayanan.murth kanwar.oberoi   sunone_app/jca   3  6323013   fip  25W Certain fields like password should not be logged in the server.log when level is FINE               
89   narayanan.murth kanwar.oberoi   sunone_app/jms   3  6323822   acc  25W Inbound transaction recovery not working with JMS XA resource and jdbc local resource                
90   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/jts   3  6241994   acc  11M Able to use 2 resources marked as LocalTransaction in a transaction.                                 
91   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/jts   3  6328627-M fip  23W Run time performance improvements to transactions sub systems                                        
92   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/jts   3  6328630   fav  23W Exceptions during XAResource calls are not logged                                                    
93   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/jts   3  6337010   acc  20W Transaction recovery not working with type4 or dd drivers.                                           
94   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/other 3  6358870   fip  13W Self-management framework does not have pre-configured rules                                         
95   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/other 3  6358876   fip  13W There is not tutorial available for self-management                                                  
96   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/other 3  6358888   def  13W Show only the relevant action MBean corresponding to an event while creating the rule for self-mgmt  
97   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/other 3  6389384   acc   1W Call flow framework should provide Exception object in the trace notification                        
98   narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jca   3  6249167   fun  11M jms DestinationResource is allowed to be created even when Name property is not specified            
99   narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   2  6333229   ckn  21W JMS ConnectionFactory config is wrong when using the admin gui if ra.xml defaults present            
100  narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   3  5044306-M acc  11W create-jmsdest fails to detect dup jmsdest being created                                             
101  narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   3  6323809   acc  25W Outbound transaction recovery not working with XA jms resource and local jdbc resource               
102  narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   3  6324085   acc  24W Setting log level for jms service does not take effect                                               
103  narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   3  6325447   acc  24W SJSAS must not allow jms host values - port, username, password to be changed unless validated       
104  narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   3  6364731   fav  11W MQ Trial  license - not supported by appserver 9.0 bundling MQ(4.0 PE)                               
105  narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   3  6385886   ckn   3W Changing jms-service type does not show a "restart required" message                       
106  narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/other 3  6332089   acc  22W Exceptions when using external log manager                                                           
107  raju.macharla   -               sunone_app/insta 3  6395605   dis    0 In 8.1 Patch-8(JES4) patchadd and patchrm cmd fails to add patch in Solaris 10 3/05 s10_74L2a        
108  sridatta.viswan anissa.lam      sunone_app/admin 3  6330277   fip  22W AS Admin GUI interaction for setting log levels and viewing/filtering log entries inconsistent       
109  sridatta.viswan anissa.lam      sunone_app/admin 3  6394626   fip   1D incorrect log statistics for non-existing log info accumulation periods.                             
110  sridatta.viswan ashish.sahni    sunone_app/secur 3  6392147   dis   7D Need to support standard cipher suite name                                                           
111  sridatta.viswan chock.chidambar sunone_app/admin 3  6322264   fip  25W Admin GUI online help is not context sensitive                                                       
112  sridatta.viswan jennifer.chou   sunone_app/admin 3  6338609   acc  20W WSM:Deploy Connector should have ebXML as default registry type if soar adaptor deployed             
113  sridatta.viswan jennifer.chou   sunone_app/admin 3  6390582   acc   1W Test button should be disabled if Web Service Application was disabled                               
114  sridatta.viswan jennifer.chou   sunone_app/admin 3  6395170   dis    0 WSM:Show Data in Single Page: Unexpectedly reset the Filter                                          
115  sridatta.viswan jerome.dochez   sunone_app/build 3  6394054   dis   3D Intel Macs are not supported at runtime or build time                                                
116  sridatta.viswan kai.xu          sunone_app/secur 3  6395382   dis    0 Avoid invoking WebSecurityManagerFactory.newWebSecurityManager several times when deploying war.     
117  sridatta.viswan ken.paulsen     sunone_app/admin 3  6340405   fav  19W [Motorola] stopping the application server should remove all components                              
118  sridatta.viswan ken.paulsen     sunone_app/admin 3  6370913   acc   8W log entries in log viewer do not match log stats in log analyzer                                     
119  sridatta.viswan ken.paulsen     sunone_app/admin 3  6391935   acc   7D SEVERE error message should not appears when first start domain1                                     
120  sridatta.viswan ken.paulsen     sunone_app/admin 3  6394698   acc   1D WSM:CallFlow view tree dialog should have a friendly sizable                                         
121  sridatta.viswan nitya.doraisamy sunone_app/admin 3  6382770   ckn   4W need i18ned some messages in [Admin Services]                                                        
122  sridatta.viswan ronald.monzillo sunone_app/secur 3  6323557   acc  25W admin GUI becomes non-responsive after adding a library                                              
123  sridatta.viswan ronald.monzillo sunone_app/secur 3  6330223   fun  22W RI does not allow non-standard methods in http-method element                                        
124  sridatta.viswan ronald.monzillo sunone_app/secur 3  6381753   ckn   4W When using jdk 1.6 b59b and b66 with AS 8.2 PE b06, u will see "AccessControl Exception" e 
125  sridatta.viswan shing-wai.chan  sunone_app/secur 3  6209569   acc  14M ejb-name clash in policy file for multiple ejb-jar modules in .ear                                   
126  sridatta.viswan shing-wai.chan  sunone_app/secur 3  6310708   ckn  29W Regression:WSS-username token without encrypt policy always have encryption in the request message   
127  sridatta.viswan stephen.wolf    sunone_app/admin 3  6319725   acc  26W GUI login page image, fullname.gif,  'TM' font and size is not correct                               
128  sridatta.viswan vbkumar.jayanti sunone_app/secur 3  6393224   dis   5D Regression: WSS/ run as subject tests failed - Subject is null                                       
129  sridatta.viswan vijay.ramachand sunone_app/secur 3  6375371   acc   6W run-as does not properly ejb endpoint webservice                                                     
130  srikanth.ananda bhavanishankara sunone_app/verif 2  6389740   dis   1W Verify is incorrectly reporting an error for the HTTP urls for a wsdl-file location in an appclient  
131  srikanth.ananda bhavanishankara sunone_app/verif 3  6301216   fun  32W update standard-api.xml with the api's when the final draft of JavaEE platform spec comes out        
132  srikanth.ananda bhavanishankara sunone_app/verif 3  6322535   ckn  25W some webservices tests has wrong messages                                                            
133  srikanth.ananda jagadish.ramu   sunone_app/jdbc  3  6369554-M fun   7W connection pool need to validate a connection before giving it to application                        
134  srikanth.ananda manisha.umbarje sunone_app/other 3  6315591   acc  27W Dynamic reconfiguration for diagnostic service doesn't function                                      
135  srikanth.ananda manisha.umbarje sunone_app/web_s 3  6343014   fav  18W JavaEE Service Engine : Need to provide support for JAX-RPC based web services in Service Engine.    
136  srikanth.ananda sanjeeb.sahoo   sunone_app/verif 3  6385241   acc   3W AS 9.0 b36. Many the same lines in the terminal output: "Visiting non-standard Signature object 
137  srikanth.ananda vikas.awasthi   sunone_app/verif 3  4853647   fun   2Y Neg. test. method-intf was "Remote" when it should be "Home" or vice versus      
138  srikanth.ananda vikas.awasthi   sunone_app/verif 3  4854392   acc   2Y Multiplicity was specified as Many when it should be One - the problem was not f                     
139  srikanth.ananda vikas.awasthi   sunone_app/verif 3  6320165   ckn  26W Verifier uses hard codes strings in code and that will affect localisation                           
140  srikanth.ananda vikas.awasthi   sunone_app/verif 3  6328564   ckn  23W verifier should delete the jsp compiler output dir and exploded dir after completion.                
141  srikanth.ananda vikas.awasthi   sunone_app/verif 3  6341028   acc  19W AS 9.0 b23. ejb30.BusinessIntfInheritance failure was not reported in the appserver mode.            
142  srikanth.ananda vishwas.bhari   sunone_app/packa 2  6394181   dis   2D JES5 b10-WS7's magnus.conf and obj.conf getting modified on creating new https-listener              
143  srikanth.ananda vishwas.bhari   sunone_app/packa 3  6367210   acc  10W (regression) add-resource failed with sun-resources_1_2.dtd (No such file or directory)              
144  srikanth.ananda vishwas.bhari   sunone_app/packa 3  6389171   fip   1W remove obsolete doc files from build 9.0 PE                                                          
145  srikanth.ananda vishwas.bhari   sunone_app/packa 3  6392351   ckn   7D JES5-b04: AS upgrade procedure incomplete, possible incompatibility.                                 
146         hong.zhang      sunone_app/deplo 3  6393851   acc   4D confusing error messages thrown while deployment of persistence app                                  
147         hong.zhang      sunone_app/deplo 3  6395652   fun    0 Handle sun-resources.xml at multiple levels in an EAR                                                
148         qingqing.ouyang sunone_app/deplo 3  6313365   ckn  28W Using AMX, cannot deploy unarchived webapp using appserver 9.0 PE.                                   
149         qingqing.ouyang sunone_app/deplo 3  6342736   acc  18W NoClassDefFoundError when using Class-Path: header in MANIFEST.MF for ejb modules deployed in an ear 
150         qingqing.ouyang sunone_app/deplo 3  6377790   ckn   5W No user feedback is given when an exception is thrown during application deployment                  
151         qingqing.ouyang sunone_app/other 3  6392250   acc   7D missing image in JSF javadocs                                                                        
152         ryan.lubke      sunone_app/other 3  6391901   fun   7D JSF:incorrect size in listbox                                                                        
153         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 2  6395079   fip   1D regression : jaxrpc endpoint authentication fails                                                    
154         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 3  6349333   acc  16W For secure JAXWS 2.0 web service requests the content must be displayed.                             
155         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 3  6390895   acc   1W need pickup l10n jar file for wsgen and wsimport if we l10n it                                       

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