Deployment of Glassfish module jars to Maven repository

From: Wayne Fay <>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 23:45:16 -0600

Hi Glassfish dev team,

I know Project Glassfish uses Maven in its build process so hopefully
this is well received!

I'm wondering if there is any possibility that you might consider
creating Maven bundles for deployment to a Maven repository out of the
Project Glassfish artifacts (aka modules, components, etc)?

All of the source code artifacts from Glassfish are licensed under the
CDDL. And yet the binaries seem to be released under the Sun BCL. The
Sun BCL does not permit distribution with the same freedom granted by
the CDDL. So the Maven project cannot simply take your Sun BCL Jars
and add them to the Maven repository.

Many of the Glassfish artifacts (transaction-api, persistence-api,
etc) are only available from Sun under a Sun BCL license. We get
several requests a week on the Maven Users list for these files, and
can currently only point them to the Sun download site for the APIs,
as there is no source for these binary API jars under a
distribution-friendly license. The Apache Geronimo project has
recreated a few of these APIs but there are still several that are

I'm hoping perhaps you might be able to create Maven bundles under a
CDDL license out of the various Project Glassfish modules as part of
your standard "create and release a build" process, and then either
make those bundles available on a Maven repo or on the
official ibiblio Maven repo. If you're already using Maven for your
build process, this should be a pretty trivial matter, I'd expect.

Thanks for your time and consideration. I'm not an "official" Maven
developer but I'm an active user, participate in their mail lists etc
so I'm happy to facilitate anything you might need help with as much
as I'm able to. ;-)
