Re: JSP seems to be compiled externally. Why?

From: Kin-man Chung <Kin-Man.Chung_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 12:39:50 -0800

The issue with older javac is not just memory leaks, but that in
windows, the generated java files open by javac cannot be released.
This is a problem because an application cannot be redeployed then.
Not sure if this is still the case with tiger.


On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 11:37, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Cheng Fang wrote:
> > I remember there is memory leak in javac. This problem also existed for
> > rmic. Not sure if we still fork a process for rmic/ejbc.
> As a part of the JAXB RI unit test, I compile schemas to Java source
> files by JAXB and then compile them into classes with javac, all loaded
> into the same VM.
> The total number of source files that are compiled would be probably
> more than 10,000 in total (they won't be all compiled at once, of
> course), and we never had a memory leak issue.
> That's with Tiger, and your issue might have been with earlier JDK, but
> I thought I'd share it as a datapoint.