Re: Glassfish Build Process Feedback/Enhancements

From: Matthew L Daniel <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 23:23:34 -0500

> or half full?), one of the things we prototyped but scratched earlier is
> to empty out appserv-rt.jar and use manifest class-path instead. The
> manifest of appserv-rt.jar (similar to other composite jars) would point
> to individual module jars. This would address both the individual build
> problem and not breaking any existing scripts. The risk here is making
> sure we are not sacraficing performance (for startup and deployment) and
> not introducing classloading nightmares.

If I'm not mistaken, "javaee.jar" already follows this practice, so
we'll have some existing experiences from which to draw. Also, I feel
confident that performance and classloading issues would not be "lurker"
issues: they will either work as expected or the QL tests will bring
them to light.

Between the "manifest" solution and adding the "classes" directory to
the domain classpath mentioned elsewhere in this thread, I bet a
practical solution is not so far away.

  -- /v\atthew