Re: Glassfish build process: can't it be easier?

From: Markus Fuchs <Markus.Fuchs_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 20:05:20 -0800

Hi Qingqing,

> Hi, Markus:
> I was under the impression that we are discussing how to make 1) and
> 2) simpler. But it sounds like your objective is only to support
> senario 3). Is that right?

Not exactly. I strongly believe we will improve 1) and 2) by addressing 3)

> Even with only supporting senario 3), I think you should propose
> something more concrete first. For example, say what you want to do
> is build entity-persistence module only. Then the steps in your mind
> are:
> % cvs -d $JAVANET_CVSROOT checkout entity-persistences
> % cd entity-persistence
> % maven bootstrap build
> The "bootstrap" will pull blah blah binary and "build" will do so and
> so....

This would be done by defining dependencies in maven, so no extra
bootstrap necessary.

> I was expecting to see something like the above. In addition, it
> would be good to take into the account the limitations you are willing
> (or not willing) to live with. For example, should building of
> entity-persistence be consistent with the rest of the appserver modules?

> Is it even part of the appserver build? Does it have the concern of
> deliverying binaries to different products?

Thew answer to all three questions is definitely yes. I chose
entity-persistence as an example, because I'm most familiar with this

> If you prefer not to follow the appserver build, then obviously you
> will have to either do something on your own in the entity-persistence
> or you will have to modify the appserver build itself, at which point
> this discussion could turn into a whole other beast.

> Again, what exactly is it that you would like to achieve? What is the
> main goal?
My incentive is to simplify our build process, and I believe the best
way doing this would be:

* migrating to m2
* not building huge jars like appserv-rt.jar
* migrating from CVS to subversion

*And*: The situation we have is a already a great improvement compared
to the previous build structure using gmake, using common libraries from
an NFS share! :)


-- markus.

> Thanks,
> Q^2
> Markus Fuchs wrote:
>> Hi Q^2,
>> this is a very good point. I'm aware about the following scenarios:
>> 1) building the glassfish image from scratch, as done in the nightly
>> build
>> 2) building a glassfish module against an existing glassfish image
>> 3) building a glassfish module against it's dependencies only, for
>> example
>> The "entity-persistence" module has the following dependencies:
>> - antlr, asm, javaee.jar
>> antlr and asm are third party libraries, javaee.jar is composed from
>> other glassfish modules.
>> Where 1 + 2 are supported right now, I guess 3 is not, i.e. it would
>> mean getting the third party libraries, and then building javaee.jar
>> out of the appropriate components.
>> As a second, maybe related point, entity-persistence compiles against
>> javaee.jar, which is again assembles several glassfish modules. It
>> should be compiled against exact those modules, and not using
>> javaee.jar.
>> Building against the glassfish image makes it impossible to build a
>> module against it's dependencies only, as the library jar in the
>> glassfish images often combines target and dependencies into a single
>> jar.
>> Hoping that I can open the discussion by this.
>> Thanks,
>> -- markus.
>> Qingqing Ouyang wrote:
>>> Hi, Markus:
>>> I am all for making the glassfish build easier to use. However, I
>>> don't think the first question should be "ant" or "maven".
>>> Shouldn't we decide on the user senarios first?
>>> What does it mean by "easy to build"? What exactly should the users
>>> configure and do when they want to build glassfish? What exactly
>>> should they do after they modify something?
>>> Depending on what the answers are, we could then decide if ant or
>>> maven is better for the job. Again, it would be better if we
>>> discuss the objectives and user senarios to begin with?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Q^2
>>> Markus Fuchs wrote:
>>>> The glassfish workspace is currently build using maven 1.0.2 and
>>>> ant 1.6.5. We are discussing how to simplify this build structure.
>>>> There has been some discussion already, and I'm trying to summarize
>>>> it here.
>>>> To make it easier, we need to decide if we want to go with a pure
>>>> ANT build or move to Maven 2.0 (or stay with Maven 1.x but use
>>>> Maven as it should). Right now we aren't using Maven the way it
>>>> should, as Maven under the hood calls Ant. The workspace is quite
>>>> complex, and moving all build.xml to Maven might take a lot of time.
>>>> Having a pure Ant or Maven build will make it easier to build. We
>>>> just need to decide which one we want to use, not both like it is
>>>> right now. But our workspace will always be more difficult to build
>>>> than other workspace because Glassfish isn't shipping all the
>>>> source code. We always need to "bootstrap" binaries, which
>>>> complicate the process.
>>>> I see following options:
>>>> 1) Migrate this to m2, w/o any ant scripts. I did some experiments,
>>>> and can build some glassfish modules with m2.
>>>> m2 is entirely independent from maven 1x, it doesn't use any of
>>>> maven 1's configuration files. So we can migrate to m2 w/o
>>>> scarifying the working maven 1 build. I suggest following migration
>>>> path to m2:
>>>> * build all glassfish modules with m2, abstracting common
>>>> dependencies, etc. into a "base" project, letting the modules
>>>> inherit from that
>>>> * assembling the appserver library out of module jars previously
>>>> build, and then build the glassfish image.
>>>> 2) If we're not using all/some of the Maven 2.0 features, like
>>>> install/docs/build/jars etc, Ant is an easier/cleaner solution.
>>>> This can easily be driven by Netbeans/Eclipse without any plug in
>>>> to download.
>>>> 3) Use the Maven 2.0 Ant task, which can be downloaded from:
>>>> 4) Migrate from maven 1.0.2 to maven 1.1. Continue either with the
>>>> current mixed maven/ant approach , or replace ant by using maven.
>>>> We're eagerly looking for your input. Please supply your experience
>>>> and suggestions!
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -- markus.
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