circular property definition in common-util/build.xml

From: vince kraemer <vince.kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 18:16:44 -0700

I was trying to use NetBeans 4.1 to build the common-util module.

I kept running into an error, telling me that javac.source was not a
defined property.

So, I did a grep.

java.source is defined in bootstrap/

glassfish.maven is defined in bootstrap/

I found a reference to ${glassfish.maven}/ in

So I have to wonder how ant is going to find the value for
glassfish.maven if someone uses the Netbeans project?

It seems like changing the string
'${glassfish.maven}/' to
'../bootstrap/' would be safe.

Am I missing something?
