How to make an Update Center module

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 10:45:32 -0500

Rajiv asked I could make a UC module for Scales (see link below), which was
already on my to do list, but, given his inquiry, I've bumped it up. :) At
any rate, I'm trying to find some documentation on how to go about that, and
all I've found so far is this

and Alexis' entry here

Neither of these, though, show the detailed mechanics of going about
building the module, so I'm going to describe how I *think* this should
work, and, hopefully, someone can correct my errors and/or fill in some

Since I am wanting to install an addon library, I'll need to set the
Module-Type to ADDON_INSTALLER, and implement
com.sun.appserv.addons.Installer. It's here that things get a little
vague. In my implementation class, the UC will call my install() method and
pass in an InstallationContext, from which I'll get a File that points to
the installation directory. Using that File, I'll copy the required files
required by Scales. Everything OK so far? :)

The question, then, is how do these modules usually work? That is, what is
the recommended practice. Do I bundle the JARs in the module archive? Do I
download them from the internet? Is there a third option I'm missing?

Is there an expert around to field questions on this?

Thanks! :)

Jason Lee, SCJP
Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team