Re: Hard to use enterprise profile, and Glassfish and SJAS91u2 differ in this regard

From: Sathyan Catari <Sathyan.Catari_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 16:27:57 -0700

Thanks for taking time to write this up, Useful information for the
bundles of GlassFish
that do not support such out-of-the box configuration to ease enterprise

However, We do have a bundle that sets up the application server domain
with enterprise profile.

The installer of this bundle does the following(the pieces that are done
manually in the instructions)

1). Installing nspr,nss libraries and certificate management
utilities(certutil, pk12util).
(Installed under <InstallDir>/lib)

2). Setting up required configuration entries in asenv<.conf | .bat>

3). Setting up NSS and NSPR paths in all of the scripts under
<InstallDir>/bin directory.

4). Creating a default domain(domain1) with "enterprise profile".
Subsequent domain
creation would also result in domains created with this profile. Please
refer to <InstallDir>/config/asadminenv[.conf]
file for AS_ADMIN_PROFILE entry.

You may download this bundle that currently has *9.1U1 with HADB* from under

We are looking into extending such configurations to other bundles of
GlassFish also and the instructions you have provided
are very valuable to this process.

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Hard to use enterprise profile, and Glassfish and SJAS91u2
> differ in this regard
> Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 15:17:07 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Wade Chandler <>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Hey all,
> I recently did a job where I set a company up to run SJAS91u2 using the enterprise profile as a
> standalone server with SSL. The experience was much harder than it needed to be, and luckily I
> was running Linux which helped me to actually be able to solve this sooner for their Windows
> installation.
> First, I couldn't get the Glassfish version of an enterprise profile running period as there was
> no certutil nor pk12util. SJAS91u2 was easier to get going, but not as easy as one would think. I
> had to first figure out what to do about NSS and NSPR4, and luckily I have Firefox and
> Thunderbird installed on my Linux installation (openSuSE10.3) which both use this library which
> meant I just needed to figure out more about the NSPR project using RPM and the .rpm
> descriptions. This led me to the idea to install Firefox and use that on Windows, but then on
> Windows the GF/SJAS91 libraries look for the wrote format library names on windows, and expect
> libraries to be prepended with lib, thus look for libnspr4.dll instead of nspr4.dll which is the
> normal naming convention for Windows.
> Second, looking through the documentation there seemed to be no good explanation of how to do any
> of this, and NSS seems to not be explained any where. I didn't even see where certutil and
> pk12util were discussed nor their options documented in the AS documentation except by using
> their help functions.
> Anyways, attached is a document with what I had to do to get this going. Again, Linux was easier
> just because the binaries were readily available, and of course there is the issue with the bug
> in the Windows asadmin.bat script where the correct paths are not setup. This writeup should help
> to make enterprise profiles easier to use, but it would seem that on Windows the NSPR4 libraries
> need to be included with the installation at a minimum, and it would be good if they were some
> how easier to setup through the command line options at install...maybe it asked for this folder
> or where the libraries are located, or maybe the default domain has a place to set this up
> visually and explains what it is used for in the administration web application.
> See attached...thanks,
> Wade
> ==================
> Wade Chandler, CCE
> Software Engineer and Developer, Certified Forensic Computer Examiner, NetBeans Dream Team Member, and NetBeans Board Member