Re: Hard to use enterprise profile, and Glassfish and SJAS91u2 differ in this regard

From: Claudio Miranda <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 10:49:01 -0300

    Hi Wade, there is a admin plugin I am working with, that will add
support to manage certificates [1].
    This admin plugin is going to work with v3 only. And it is on the
early stages of development.
    I plan to support NSS database, by using JNSS [2], but it is not
going to happen before july.

1 -
2 -

    This is just to let you know, in a near future that certificate
management, is going to be a lot easir for standard operations.

Claudio Miranda

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 7:17 PM, Wade Chandler
<> wrote:
> First, I couldn't get the Glassfish version of an enterprise profile running period as there was
> no certutil nor pk12util. SJAS91u2 was easier to get going, but not as easy as one would think. I
> had to first figure out what to do about NSS and NSPR4, and luckily I have Firefox and
> Thunderbird installed on my Linux installation (openSuSE10.3) which both use this library which

 Claudio Miranda