Hi Jason,
You will need a sponsor from Sun (Rajiv ?) to do the legal reviews. Thanks.
Nazrul Islam - (408) 276-6468 - Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Jason Lee wrote:
> Rajiv asked I could make a UC module for Scales (see link below),
> which was already on my to do list, but, given his inquiry, I've
> bumped it up. :) At any rate, I'm trying to find some documentation
> on how to go about that, and all I've found so far is this
> http://weblogs.java.net/blog/manveen/archive/2007/06/creating_a_glas_1.html
> and Alexis' entry here
> http://blogs.sun.com/alexismp/entry/using_the_glassfish_update_center
> Neither of these, though, show the detailed mechanics of going about
> building the module, so I'm going to describe how I *think* this
> should work, and, hopefully, someone can correct my errors and/or fill
> in some holes.
> Since I am wanting to install an addon library, I'll need to set the
> Module-Type to ADDON_INSTALLER, and implement
> com.sun.appserv.addons.Installer. It's here that things get a little
> vague. In my implementation class, the UC will call my install()
> method and pass in an InstallationContext, from which I'll get a File
> that points to the installation directory. Using that File, I'll copy
> the required files required by Scales. Everything OK so far? :)
> The question, then, is how do these modules usually work? That is,
> what is the recommended practice. Do I bundle the JARs in the module
> archive? Do I download them from the internet? Is there a third
> option I'm missing?
> Is there an expert around to field questions on this?
> Thanks! :)
> --
> Jason Lee, SCJP
> Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
> Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team
> https://mojarra.dev.java.net
> https://scales.dev.java.net
> http://blogs.steeplesoft.com