Re: JSFTemplating: Re: [v3] how to link _at_handler to jsf

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:15:19 -0700

Great job Claudio!

I think you're the first person outside our group to do something like
this. As you've experienced, there we are still working out the
issues. If you are are interested and able, you are welcome to join our
admin console meeting this morning in a little less than 1 hour (10AM
PDT). Here are the details:

    (866)545-5227 (US Toll-Free)
    (865)673-6950 (International-Caller Paid)
    Access Code: 3535518#



Claudio Miranda wrote:
> Dear Anissa, I must say a big thank you.
> It is working !
> Besides, the glassfish restart and admingui undeploy/redeploy and
> console-plugin copy at every build, at least it is working.
> Thanks
> Claudio Miranda
> On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 10:23 PM, Anissa Lam <> wrote:
>> You only need to move .java/.class to admingui/core. You can leave other
>> resources eg, .jsf, .jpg , etc in your plugin module.
>> console-config.xml HAS to be in your plugin-module, eg.
>> certmanager/src/main/rsources/META-INF/admingui/console-config.xml, so
>> that Admin Console can detect it.