Re: [v3] how to link _at_handler to jsf

From: Claudio Miranda <>
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 23:10:44 -0300

    Dear Anissa, I must say a big thank you.

    It is working !

    Besides, the glassfish restart and admingui undeploy/redeploy and
console-plugin copy at every build, at least it is working.


Claudio Miranda

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 10:23 PM, Anissa Lam <> wrote:
> You only need to move .java/.class to admingui/core. You can leave other
> resources eg, .jsf, .jpg , etc in your plugin module.
> console-config.xml HAS to be in your plugin-module, eg.
> certmanager/src/main/rsources/META-INF/admingui/console-config.xml, so
> that Admin Console can detect it.