Re: FI ME 0.1

From: Changshin Lee <>
Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2005 11:50:43 +0100

Paul Sandoz wrote:

> Changshin Lee wrote:
>>> Wow!. I will check it out.
>> Please make sure that you have FIME (FI + ME -> FIME) 0.1, a workable
>> version :-)
> OK. I will look at this on Monday.
>>>> I have a couple of items I've found during this work.
>>>> 1. Two XMLChar classes
>>>> There are two different XMLChar in FI source. It seems that XMLChar
>>>> in fi.util is not used.
>>> Yes. This needs to be resolved. There is one very large class copied
>>> from Xerces and we should reused this the remove the other one. Both
>>> should be used, one by the Encoder and the other i recall by StAX for
>>> events.
>>> The large Xerces class should not be used for ME since it creates a
>>> very
>>> large table. I wonder what ME parsers to do efficiently check unicode
>>> ranges for the validation of unicode characters as specified by XML
>>> 1.x?
>> That's a pain in the Java ME's neck.
> I agree.
>> As far as I'm concerned, Java ME Web Services (JSR 172) doesn't
>> mention about it explicitly and I also didn't implemented it in
>> Mirae, I remember.
> When the first public review of 172 occured Elliot Rusty Harold kicked
> up quite a fuss (i think rightly so) because the XML parser was not
> required to support DTDs, so the JSR was changed to suport DTDs.
> JSR 172 is not designed to subset XML 1.0 although SOAP 1.x
> essentially does that. The XML parser was initially written to support
> just SOAP messages but others wanted to use the parser in non SOAP
> scenarios.
> I know the person who implemented the SAX RI implementation for 172 i
> will ask him what he did.

I'd appreciate that.

>>>> 3. Advice
>>>> I just worked on making FI ME compilable on CLDC, and think I need
>>>> to cut some weight out of it because at my first sight it looks a
>>>> little bit heavy in terms of binary size and number of classes,
>>>> fields, and methods. Please let me get your advice and
>>>> recommendation on streamlining FI ME, particularly, considering
>>>> that FI ME supports only StAX.
>>> I agree. The conversion from strings to binary-data is not needed and
>>> will be rarely used if at all (it is not used in the SE impl it is just
>>> there for completeness).
>>> Are you also implementing the event API?
>> No, StAX ME doesn't have the event API package as StAX 1.0 spec states.
> Ah yes, i remember now.
>>>> I'll post more details when I complete FI 0.1.
>>> OK.
>>> Perhaps it would be best to have a con-call or IRC chat about all this?
>> I prefer irc or instant messaging (I did once with Santiago). My AIM
>> name is I guess we have only one hour time gap :-)
> How about we meet on Monday? I cannot recall where you are based.
> Between 9am and 11am PT would be best for me but i can adjust!

I'm in the U.K. 9-11 am PT is 5-7 pm here,which is absolutely OK for me
as well.

>>> Do you want developer/commit access to the FI workspace? It would
>>> certainly be good if this was part of Java.Net, either as part of FI or
>>> as a related .net project.
>> Actually my plan is to have StAX ME and FIME in Mirae as they are
>> main topics of my presentation in ApacheCon 2005 Europe.
> OK.
>> I think that FIME alone could be better if it's in, yes, I
>> agree on your point.
> That would be great :-)

OK, let's talk about it on Monday.

>>> I am not sure how feasible it is to share a subset of code for SE and
>>> ME. Since the optimization strategies are different sharing code and
>>> modifying may unduely affect one platform in unintended ways.
>> As you might notice, FIME is quite small comparing with FI, and even
>> it should become much more light after all.
> Excellent.
>> In order to achieve that goal, overall changes over FI will be
>> required. What I've learned from the first step of the porting work
>> is that what we can share in essential is core algorithms and
>> processes. I'll work on figuring out how we can take mutual advantage.
> Sounds good. What is important to ensure is that no performance
> regressions occur. So i think we need to prototype and compare
> peformance of the existing implementation and the refactored
> implementation.
I agree.

>>> If we have separate code then we need to have tests in place for
>>> interoperability. We have a whole bunch of XML files. I can convert
>>> them
>>> to FI using the SE serializer and use this as the baseline for tests.
>> Interoperability is in great need as I'm demonstration a scenario
>> that Mirae and JWSDP 1.6 interact over FI. We need to guarantee
>> interoperability in two ways:
>> 1. FIME -> write a FI document -> FI -> read it
>> 2. FI -> write a FI document -> FIME -> read it
>> Do you have an idea of how we can do this smoothly? Probably a
>> testing framework for the interoperability is useful.
> There are unix scripts that test round trip functionality of the
> parsers and serializers. See the FastInfoset/bin directory [1]. We
> also have automated round trip tests in [2]. There are a whole bunch
> of XML files in [2] that exercise the parsing.
> I would propose these testing stages:
> 1) Check for round trip conformance of the FIME parsers and serializers.
> 2) Check for interop of FISE and FIME.
> 2.1) FISE encoded documents parsed by FIME.
> 2.2) FIME encoded documents parsed by FISE.

Thank you for your proposal, which I think is perfect. I'll look into
those existing frameworks in FISE and try to figure out how to integrate
FIME to them.



> Paul.
> [1]
> [2]
>> Thank you,
>> Ias
>>> Paul.
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