
[jsr341-experts] EL Collection literals

From: Kin-man Chung <kinman.chung_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2011 12:59:32 -0800

As I mentioned before, it has been suggested that EL use the syntax that
is being proposed for JDK 8 for collection literals.

The current syntax for JDK 8 is as the following:

1. Set: {1, 2, 3}
2. List: ["one", "two", "three"]
3. Map: {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3 }

There is no literals for arrays. Presumably it can be accomplished
with, for instance, new int[] {1,23} that is already in Java.

Therefore I think we should also omit array literals, not only because
JDK 8 does not have it, but also because a Java array does not implement
a java.lang.Collection or java.lang.Iterable, so it cannot partake the
query operators. This is not a big lost, because one can always
construct an array from a List easily:

     ["one", "two", "three"].toArray()

Other scripting languages, such as javascript or PHP, also do not have
arrays, and use a list in place of an array whenever an array is needed.

I am not sure if a Set literal is useful in EL, but am inclined to keep
it for completeness.

I also realize that a Map is not a collection, so in the query
operations, we'll need to iterate over its Collection view, i.e.
Map.entrySet. For instance, if salary is a map of name to annual
amount, the following is a collection of names whose salary is greater
then 10000.

     salary.where(#{p -> p.value > 10000}).select(#{p -> p.key})

If there is no other opinions, I'll update the wiki page to reflect such

