- (EJB_SPEC-94) support any authenticated user role, **, in method permissions and in isCallerInRole
- [jsr342-experts] proposed MDB improvements
- [jsr345-experts] Adding support for optional feature groups
- [jsr345-experts] Creating Embeddable Container without closing the previous?
- [jsr345-experts] EJB_SPEC-90
- [jsr345-experts] Final methods in a bean class?
- [jsr345-experts] Fwd: [jsr342-experts] proposed MDB improvements
- [jsr345-experts] IMPORTANT: Fwd: [jsr342-experts] transactional interceptors and lifecycle methods
- [jsr345-experts] IMPORTANT: Fwd: [jsr342-experts] transactional interceptors vs. EJB
- [jsr345-experts] Interceptors 1.2 and constructor- and method-level interceptors
- [jsr345-experts] Interceptors 1.2 MR update
- [jsr345-experts] Interceptors 1.2: InvocationContext.getMethod to return actual method for LC interceptors
- [jsr345-experts] javax.interceptor.InvocationContext.getConstructor() changed to return Constructor<?>
- [jsr345-experts] PFD candidates available for review
- [jsr345-experts] PFD has been submitted to the JCP (Was: PFD candidates available for review)
- [jsr345-experts] Proposed changes to the security chapter (EJB_SPEC-101)
- [jsr345-experts] Proposed Final Draft is available on the JCP site
- [jsr345-experts] Pushing _at_Transactional in the EJB spec ?
- Adding support for optional feature groups
- Bean Validation support for EJBs?
- Creating Embeddable Container without closing the previous?
- Final methods in a bean class?
- Fwd: [jsr342-experts] proposed MDB improvements
- IMPORTANT: Fwd: [jsr342-experts] transactional interceptors vs. EJB
- Interceptors 1.2 and constructor- and method-level interceptors
- Interrupting async invocation on Future.cancel request?
- PFD candidates available for review
- Pushing _at_Transactional in the EJB spec ?
- transactional interceptors and lifecycle methods
- transactional interceptors vs. EJB