JDeveloper Quick Tour Introduction section
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Key Features
New and Updated Features
Development Framework
Productivity with Choice
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New and Updated Features

JDeveloper 10g offers an enhanced design-time environment to provide a consistent end-to-end visual development experience. Key features supporting rapid application development include:

bullet Visual Editor

A new visual editor for HTML, JSP, and UIX XML pages lets you design your application's web pages interactively.

bullet Application Navigator

A new Application Navigator helps you see all of your application sources in a uniform package organization. This simplifies the view of components with multiple implementation files and deployment descriptors to reduce clutter and improve usability for large application projects.

bullet Technology Scopes

A new capability lets you configure the technology scope of your projects so you subsequently see only the options that are relevant to the technology you have chosen.

bullet Window Management

A new drag-and-drop approach helps you organize all of your windows more easily.

bullet Data Binding Palette

A new data binding palette allows consistent drag-and-drop data binding for all client display types.

bullet Page Flow Diagram

A new visual page flow diagram for Jakarta Struts lets you build new pages and actions visually and connect them to design the flow of your web user interface.

bullet Database Modeler

A new database modeler allows you to design, visualize, and document your database schemas.

bullet Use Case Modeler

A new UML use case modeler helps you capture the requirements of a system, and describe its behavior. Use case diagrams visualize the relationships between the actor and use case documents required to describe the system.

bullet Model Driven Architecture Support

JDeveloper now supports Model Driven Architecture (MDA) transformations from UML class models to Java and ADF Business Components models.

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