JDeveloper Quick Tour Introduction section
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Introduction selected
Key Features
New and Updated Features
Development Framework
Productivity with Choice
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Key Features

JDeveloper includes enhanced Java coding capabilities, along with a more visual and declarative development environment, offering the ease and productivity previously associated with 4GL tools in an open and standard Java IDE. The result is both an improved development experience for current Java developers and a simplified transition to the Java environment for new developers.

Here are some of the features that support this productive development environment:

bullet J2EE and Web Services Development

JDeveloper provides a single tool for building both J2EE applications and web services. It supports the latest standards, including generation of J2EE design patterns such as Data Transfer Object and Session Facade. The new administration tool for the embedded J2EE server helps you manage data sources, JAZN, and other settings for J2EE applications. And you can deploy J2EE applications with a single click to Oracle Application Server, BEA WebLogic, JBoss, and Tomcat.

JDeveloper's web services support has been improved to handle WS-I Basic Profile compliance testing, UML modeling and visualization of web services, one-click web service creation from Java classes, and the creation of complex PL/SQL web services.

bullet Productive XML Coding Environment

JDeveloper includes both a new XML Schema Editor and an XML Editor. The XML Editor is a specialized schema-driven editor for editing XML languages, while the XML Schema Editor visually displays the structure, content, and semantics of an XML document. You can use the XML Schema Editor to edit an existing XML schema, and to author and visually design a new XML schema. XML schemas are easily registered through the preferences.

bullet Database Development

The new Database Schema Modeler lets you capture, create, and modify database schema objects using a visual diagram. The definitions of database objects can be included in projects for offline editing. From the diagram or offline objects, JDeveloper generates SQL CREATE or ALTER statements to create new objects or reconcile changes with existing objects. The Connection Navigator now supports materialized views (snapshots) and view logs. In addition, you can create custom filters to restrict the contents displayed in the Connection Navigator.

bullet UML Modeling

JDeveloper supports platform-independent UML modelers (UML Class, UML Use Case, UML Activity) to capture analysis and requirements, and platform-dependent UML profile modelers that are two-way synchronized with the implementation (Java, Enterprise JavaBeans, ADF Business Components, web services, and database).

bullet Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF)

JDeveloper 10g includes the new Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF), a comprehensive productivity layer for J2EE developers. Oracle ADF makes application development easier and more productive; it is flexible, extensible, and based on industry standards.

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