Oracle® Application Server
XML Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)


Interface XSQLLogger

public interface XSQLLogger

One of two interfaces that must be implemented to provide a custom logging implementation. The XSQL Page Processor asks the XSQLLoggerFactory associated with each request to create() an instance of an XSQLLogger to service the current request. If the factory implementation returns the same XSQLLogger instance to multiple requests, the logger implementation needs to be aware of this and synchronize access to any resources used for logging as necessary.

Method Summary
 void logRequestEnd(XSQLPageRequest env)
          Event handler method invoked by the XSQL page processing engine at the end of the page request processing.
 void logRequestStart(XSQLPageRequest env)
          Event handler method invoked by the XSQL page processing engine at the start of the page request processing.


Method Detail


public void logRequestStart(XSQLPageRequest env)
Event handler method invoked by the XSQL page processing engine at the start of the page request processing. The event only fires for the top-level page request.


public void logRequestEnd(XSQLPageRequest env)
Event handler method invoked by the XSQL page processing engine at the end of the page request processing.

Oracle® Application Server
XML Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)


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