Extension SDK 10.1.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseStyle
oracle.javatools.editor The Editor package is a basic framework for an editor component with syntax highlighting capabilities, built on top of the Swing text framework. 
oracle.javatools.editor.language The Language package is a subset of the Editor package, and is the framework for extending the editor with color syntax highlighting, brace matching, and other language or content-specific editing features. 

Uses of BaseStyle in oracle.javatools.editor

Methods in oracle.javatools.editor with parameters of type BaseStyle
protected  int BasicView.paintSegment(java.awt.Graphics graphics, TextBuffer textBuffer, java.awt.Rectangle viewRect, java.awt.Rectangle clipRect, BaseStyle textStyle, HighlightStyle highlightStyle, int startOffset, int endOffset, int x, int y)
          Paints a small segment text indicated by the start and end offsets.

Uses of BaseStyle in oracle.javatools.editor.language

Fields in oracle.javatools.editor.language declared as BaseStyle
 BaseStyle BuiltInStyles.plainStyle
          The base plain text style.
 BaseStyle BuiltInStyles.commentStyle
          The base comment style.
 BaseStyle BuiltInStyles.keywordStyle
          The base keyword style.
 BaseStyle BuiltInStyles.stringStyle
          The base string style.
 BaseStyle BuiltInStyles.numberStyle
          The base number style.
 BaseStyle BuiltInStyles.identifierStyle
          The base identifier style.
 BaseStyle BuiltInStyles.braceStyle
          The base brace style.
 BaseStyle BuiltInStyles.operatorStyle
          The base operator style.
 BaseStyle BuiltInStyles.markupStyle
          The base markup symbol style.
 BaseStyle BuiltInStyles.elementStyle
          The base element name style.
 BaseStyle BuiltInStyles.attributeNameStyle
          The base attribute name style.
 BaseStyle BuiltInStyles.attributeValueStyle
          The base attribute value style.

Methods in oracle.javatools.editor.language that return BaseStyle
 BaseStyle StyleRegistry.createStyle(java.lang.String styleName, java.lang.String presentationName, java.lang.String parentStyleName)
          Create a new BaseStyle based on the given parent style and inheriting all of its attributes from the parent.
 BaseStyle StyleRegistry.createStyle(java.lang.String styleName, java.lang.String presentationName, java.lang.String parentStyleName, java.awt.Color fgColor)
          Create a new BaseStyle based on the given parent style, with the specified overriding foreground color.
 BaseStyle StyleRegistry.createStyle(java.lang.String styleName, java.lang.String presentationName, java.lang.String parentStyleName, int fontStyle)
          Create a new BaseStyle based on the given parent style, with the specified overriding font style.
 BaseStyle StyleRegistry.createStyle(java.lang.String styleName, java.lang.String presentationName, java.lang.String parentStyleName, java.awt.Color fgColor, int fontStyle)
          Create a new BaseStyle based on the given parent style, with the specified overriding foreground and font style.
 BaseStyle StyleRegistry.createStyle(java.lang.String styleName, java.lang.String presentationName, java.lang.String parentStyleName, java.awt.Color fgColor, java.awt.Color bgColor, int fontStyle)
          Create a new BaseStyle based on the given parent style, but overriding all of its attributes.
 BaseStyle StyleRegistry.lookupStyle(java.lang.String styleName)
          Fetches the style with the given name.

Extension SDK


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