Extension SDK 10.1.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use RunProcess
oracle.ide.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the JDeveloper runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate Contains classes which ease the migration of legacy version control extensions. 

Uses of RunProcess in oracle.ide.runner

Fields in oracle.ide.runner declared as RunProcess
protected  RunProcess Starter.runProcess
          The RunProcess that will be or has been started by this Starter.

Methods in oracle.ide.runner that return RunProcess
 RunProcess SimpleProcess.getRunProcess()
          Gets the RunProcess instance used by this process configuration.
 RunProcess RunLogPage.getRunProcess()
          Returns the RunProcess associated with this log page.

Methods in oracle.ide.runner with parameters of type RunProcess
 java.lang.Object StarterFactory.canStart(RunProcess runProcess, Node node, java.util.List errors)
          Tests whether this StarterFactory knows how to start the specified node.
 Starter StarterFactory.createStarter(RunProcess runProcess, Node node, java.lang.Object o)
          Creates a starter for the specified RunProcess.
 java.lang.Object AbstractStarterFactory.canStart(RunProcess runProcess, Context context, Node node, java.util.List errors)
 Displayable AbstractStarterFactory.getDisplayable(RunProcess runProcess, Context context, Node node, java.lang.Object o)
 Starter AbstractStarterFactory.createStarter(RunProcess runProcess, Context context, Node node, java.lang.Object o)
abstract  boolean Runner.selectProcess(RunProcess runProcess)
          Selects the given process in the Run Manager window.
abstract  void Runner.addTerminateMenu(RunProcess runProcess)
          Adds a terminate menu item for the given RunProcess to the Run -> Terminate submenu.
abstract  void Runner.removeTerminateMenu(RunProcess runProcess)
          Removes the terminate menu item for the given RunProcess from the Run -> Terminate submenu.

Constructors in oracle.ide.runner with parameters of type RunProcess
Starter(RunProcess runProcess)
          The constructor simply sets the Starter.runProcess field.

Uses of RunProcess in oracle.jdeveloper.runner

Subclasses of RunProcess in oracle.jdeveloper.runner
 class JRunProcess
          An abstract class that represents a Java process.

Uses of RunProcess in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.migrate with parameters of type RunProcess
protected  void VCSStreamMonitor.patternMatched(RunProcess process)
protected  void VCSStreamMonitor.streamLine(java.lang.String line, RunProcess process)

Extension SDK


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