Extension SDK 10.1.2

Interface StarterFactory

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public interface StarterFactory

An interface that provides a factory for starting a process.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object canStart(RunProcess runProcess, Node node, java.util.List errors)
          Tests whether this StarterFactory knows how to start the specified node.
 Starter createStarter(RunProcess runProcess, Node node, java.lang.Object o)
          Creates a starter for the specified RunProcess.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns a String that identifies this StarterFactory.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getName()
Returns a String that identifies this StarterFactory.

The name returned may be presented to the user.

a String that identifies this StarterFactory


public java.lang.Object canStart(RunProcess runProcess,
                                 Node node,
                                 java.util.List errors)
Tests whether this StarterFactory knows how to start the specified node.

If this StarterFactory knows how to start the specified node, it should return a non-null Object. The non-null Object will be passed to the createStarter(oracle.ide.runner.RunProcess, oracle.ide.model.Node, java.lang.Object) method.

If this StarterFactory does not know how to start the specified node, it should add an appropriate error message String to the errors List and return null.

runProcess - the RunProcess
node - the node that should be started
errors - the errors list
a non-null Object if this StarterFactory can start the specified RunProcess


public Starter createStarter(RunProcess runProcess,
                             Node node,
                             java.lang.Object o)
Creates a starter for the specified RunProcess.

runProcess - the RunProcess to start
o - the non-null Object returned previously from the canStart method.
a starter for the specified RunProcess

Extension SDK


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