About the End-to-End Solutions for Struts, JSP, Business Components, and Oracle ADF

Use the end-to-end scenarios to understand how you can implement typical web page flows using databound JSP pages in JDeveloper. Each scenario describes all of the tasks you must perform to set up the model, view, and controller layers for each page flow described. This topic contains the following sections:

End-to-End Overview
Setting up Business Services and the Model Layer
Creating JSP Browse and Edit Forms
Creating a Single Page Master-Detail Form
Using a Custom Method to Set the Bind Parameters in a View Object

End-to-End Overview

The scenarios listed here show the use of the following technologies:

These scenarios are more comprehensive than tutorials. They describe how the page flows are implemented and explain what JDeveloper does "behind the scenes" at each unique step. All of the scenarios use the following JDeveloper features:

Note: For information about the tutorials available on OTN, see www.oracle.com/technology/obe/obe9051jdev/index.htm.

Setting up Business Services and the Model Layer

All of these scenarios use the Oracle ADF Business Components in the business services layer. The steps required for the initial creation of this layer are identical for the three scenarios.

  1. Create an application workspace using the Default Web Application template.

    To create an application using JDeveloper, you must create an application workspace to contain and keep track of all of your files and metadata. The default Web Application template sets up the application to use Struts, JSP or UIX pages, and Oracle ADF Business Components. It creates two projects, a Model Project and a view-controller project. You choose between JSP and UIX pages for your client after you start working with the view-controller project in the application.

  2. Define a database connection using the Create Connection wizard.

    To access the data you want to use in your application, you must set up access to the data source. In these scenarios, the data source is a database containing a series of HR (human resources) tables. Defining a database connection provides the needed access.

  3. Create the Oracle ADF Business Components for your model project.

    Once you have access to your data source, you can make your data available to the model layer of the application in a usable form by creating Oracle ADF Business Components in the business services layer. When you work with Oracle ADF Business Components, you do not need to register the business services. If you create your Oracle ADF Business Components before you start creating your page flow, the Data Control Palette opens with the Business Components already displayed. The scenarios described here use Business Components created from the Departments and Employees tables in the HR database.

    Note: Business services other than ADF Business Components are supported by the Oracle ADF model layer, but some differences in the way EJB Ssession beans, TopLink mapping objects, or web services expose data require additional documentation. For details about working with other business services, see the How To documents on the JDeveloper page of OTN (at http://www.oracle.com/technology//products/jdev/index.html).

Creating JSP Browse and Edit Forms

This scenario describes how to create a web page with a Struts read-only table that allows a user to select a row from a table and forward to another page to edit that row using an input form. This is a simple page flow using two data pages in the page flow diagram.

For more information about this scenario, see Creating JSP Browse and Edit Forms.

Creating a Single Page Master-Detail Form

This scenario describes how to create a web page using a read-only form with navigation that allows a user to browse through a table of data rows. A second table on the same page displays the detailed information for the selected row. This page flow uses a data action, page forward, and link. This scenario also uses the Iterator Binding Editor to set the range size for the detail table.

For more information about this scenario, see Creating a Single Page Master-Detail Form

Using a Custom Method to Set the Bind Parameters in a View Object

This scenario describes how to create a web page that allows a user to set the parameters for a where clause in a search. This scenario:

For more information about this scenario, see Using a Custom Method to Set the Bind Parameters in a View Object

Choosing an Editing Style for Creating the Struts Configuration File About the Struts Page Flow Diagram Elements
About Web Pages and the Component Palette
About the Data Control Palette
About JSP/HTML and UIX Visual Editors
About the Structure Window
About Web Pages and the Property Inspector
About Oracle ADF View Objects
About Named Events in Oracle ADF
Executing Business Service Methods with a Data Action


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