Creating a Java Client Application with Oracle ADF

You can create Java client applications that rely on standard Swing components and obtain the advantages of the Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) in your application. The Java client application in JDeveloper is known as a JClient application. When you create JClient applications:

To create a Java client that works with Oracle ADF:

  1. Create the application workspace using the default Java Application template.

    Hint: To avoid application errors, it is necessary to develop the business services and client application in separate project folders. The JDeveloper application templates will create separate project folders in your workspace.

  2. Create your business services project.

  3. Register the business services with ADF data controls.

  4. Use the JClient wizards to generate a JClient panel or JClient form in your JClient project. The file opens in the Visual Editor with the Data Control Palette displayed.

    Note: You must use the JClient wizards to generate .java files with the necessary bootstrap code. Do not use a generic Java panel or class to design databound Java clients.

  5. Use the Data Control Palette to insert databound UI components into the open document.

  6. (Optionally) Use the Data Control Palette to insert business service actions into the open document.

  7. Define the ADF bindings in their corresponding binding editors to specify the required properties of the binding.

The resulting project files, together with the model reference ( panel.setBindingContext(JUTestFrame.startTestFrame("DataBindings.cpx", "null", panel, panel.getPanelBinding(), new Dimension(400, 300))); ) in the JClient panel or form, permit the databound UI components to access the Oracle ADF model layer at runtime. For further details, see About the ADF-Specific Project Files.

You can proceed to customize the appearance of your JClient panel using the Visual Editor.

For an overview of Oracle ADF:

For complete information about the ADF JClient:

For details about the Data Control Palette and ADF bindings:


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