About UI Components in Oracle ADF Java Clients

The client developer uses the Data Control Palette to insert already databound UI components into a JClient-prepared form or panel.

Value Bindings for the Entire Collection or Data Object

The Data Control Palette provides UI components that you can use to bind an entire data collection (which consists of data objects that comprise a row set), as shown in the following table.

UI Component Drag and Drop As ADF Binding Type
table component Table Table binding
combobox component Combo Box List binding in Navigation mode
list component List (inside a ScrollPane) List binding in Navigation mode
spinner component Spinner List binding in Navigation mode
radio buttons Radio Button Group List binding in Navigation mode
navigation bar NavigationBar Iterator binding
tree component Tree Tree binding
graph component Graph Graph binding
slider component Slider Scroll binding
scrollbar component ScrollBar Scroll binding

Value Bindings for Individual Data Object Attribute Values

The Data Control Palette provides UI components that you can use to bind a single data object attribute, as shown in the following table.

UI Component Drag and Drop As ADF Binding Type
lov button TextField Attribute binding
edit pane Edit Pane Attribute binding
label component JULabel Attribute binding
label component Label For (for Oracle ADF Business Components to display attribute's label control hint) Attribute binding
password field component Password Field Attribute binding
text area Text Area Attribute binding
text pane Text Pane Attribute binding
lov button lov window Button LOV LOV binding
checkbox Check Box Boolean binding
formatted text field Formatted Edit Field Formatted Text binding
combobox component Combo Box List binding in Enumeration mode
list component List List binding in Enumeration mode
spinner component in enum mode Spinner List binding in Enumeration mode
radio button group Radio Button Group List binding in Enumeration mode
progressbar component Progress Bar Bounded Range binding
scrollbar component Scroll Bar Bounded Range binding
slider component Slider Bounded Range binding

For details about web page components, see About UI Components in Oracle ADF Web Pages.


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