Choosing a Business Service for the Oracle ADF Application


Within JDeveloper, application developers can work with data sources based on entirely different business service technologies:

When you want to work with a specific business service, you can open the New Gallery and use the provided wizards and dialogs to create or, in the case of web services, expose the entities in your Model project:

If you want to.... Then choose among these New Gallery items...

Use Oracle ADF Business Components in the Model project.

Business Components in the Business Tier category

Use EJB components in the Model project. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) in the Business Tier category.
Use Oracle TopLink in the Model project TopLink in the Business Tier category
Use web services that were created based on legacy code, software components (such as EJB components), or even PL/SQL in the database and make it accessible through HTTP quickly and easily Web Services in the Business Tier category
Use JavaBeans in the Model project.

JavaBeans in the General category


The procedure for working with business services in JDeveloper and Oracle ADF is the same for most business services.

To prepare your Model project for the business services:

  1. Create the application workspace using the desired application template (does not apply to web services based applications).
  2. Create the entities of the business service.
  3. Register the business services entities with the ADF data control technology.

When you want to work with web services, the procedure differs.

To use web services as your business service:

  1. Create the application workspace.
  2. Identify the web services to use with your application.
  3. Register the web service with the ADF data control technology.

For other guidelines that may help you to start your application in JDeveloper:

For further information on these view technology issues:

These procedures help you to begin an Oracle ADF application:


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