About the Design Time for Oracle ADF

JDeveloper provides the design time tools that application developers can use to quickly and efficiently assemble J2EE applications for either the Web or for standalone Java clients. Together the tools allow client developers to work in a WYSIWYG development environment that facilitates creating, inspecting, and editing databound web pages and Java client forms.

Note: The design time in JDeveloper provides equal support for creating web application and Java client front ends. In either case, client developers create databound front ends though drag-and-drop operations using a common set of design time tools.


In JDeveloper, application developers who design the user interface can benefit from these features:

Design Time Tools

The following key design time tools address the visualization requirements of J2EE application developers while providing full support for the separation of model, view, and controller layers:

Additionally, these standard features of JDeveloper maintain easy access to the design elements of your application:

And, these wizards available in the JDeveloper New Gallery that can reduce the amount of coding needed to create components in your Model and client projects:

Design Time Process

Using these tools in JDeveloper, client developers can quickly lay out databound web pages and Swing panels without having to write code for the UI components to access its data.

A simplified description of the web page design process with Struts controller integration (for Model 2-style web applications) in JDeveloper involves these steps:

  1. Create the application workspace using the "Web Application (Default)" application template.
  2. Create the business services in the model project.
  3. Use the Struts Page Flow Diagram to define the flow of your JSP pages and Struts actions (updates the struts-config.xml file).
  4. Use the Struts Page Flow Diagram to customize the Struts actions.
  5. Create a JSP for each of your Struts actions and open the page in the HTML/JSP Visual Editor.
  6. Use the Data Control Palette to select specific data controls and insert the databound UI components into the page you are editing.
  7. Use the Structure window to browse the page elements and edit their bindings.
  8. Use the Visual Editor to refine the user interface for the components you added.
  9. Use the Property Inspector to modify any attribute of the page elements and their data bindings.
  10. Use the Code Editor to edit the source code of a JSP with Expression Language Code Insight.

In the case of a web application without a Struts controller (Model 1-style web applications), the major difference is that you will not create a page flow diagram and must handle the actions through code you supply. A simplified description of the web page design process without a Struts controller in JDeveloper involves these steps:

  1. Create the application workspace using the "Web Application (Default - no controller)" application template.
  2. Create the business services in the model project.
  3. Create a JSP and open the page in the HTML/JSP Visual Editor.
  4. Use the Data Control Palette to select specific data controls and insert the databound UI components into the page you are editing.
  5. Use the Structure window to browse the page elements and edit their bindings.
  6. Use the Visual Editor to refine the user interface for the components you added.
  7. Use the Property Inspector to modify any attribute of the page elements and their data bindings.
  8. Use the Code Editor to edit the source code of a JSP with Expression Language Code Insight.
  9. Use the Create Java Class dialog to subclass the oracle.adf.controller.lifecycle.PageLifecycle class and create the event handler for your pages actions.
  10. Use the Property Inspector to set the custom lifecycle class for the <adf:uimodelreference> tag in the page that needs to handle the event.

For complete details about how to get started with Oracle ADF and databound web applications, see the related topics below.

For background on Oracle ADF in JDeveloper:

To understand the process for creating either Model 1 or Model 2-style web applications in detail:

For guidelines about the Oracle ADF application development process:

For more details about the Visual Editor:


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