Creating a Model 1 Style Web Page with Oracle ADF

You can create Model 1-style web pages that do not rely on the Struts controller for page navigation in JDeveloper yet still obtain the advantages of the Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) in your application. When you create Model 1 style JSP or ADF UIX pages for Oracle ADF:

Note: If you choose to create a web application that has Struts support, refer to Creating a Struts-based Web Application with Oracle ADF.

To create a Model 1-style web application that works with Oracle ADF:

  1. Right-click the Applications node in the Application Navigator and choose New Ap plication Workspace.

  2. In the Create Application Workspace dialog, name your application.

  3. In the Application Template list, select Web Application (Default - No controller) and click OK to close the dialog.

    Hint: To avoid application errors, it is necessary to develop the business services and client application in separate project folders. The JDeveloper application templates will create separate project folders in your workspace.

  4. In the Model project, create the desired business services.

  5. Register the business services with ADF data controls.

  6. With the View project selected, choose F ile | New to display the New Gallery.

  7. Select JSP Page from the Web Tier - JavaServer Pages (JSP) category of the New Gallery to add a simple JSP page to the project.


    Select Empty UIX XML Page from the Web Tier - ADF UIX category of the New Gallery to insert a simple ADF UIX page.

    Note: If the New Gallery currently displays all technologies, do not select the Struts Controller Page Flow item. When you add Struts support to your project, the design time enforces Model 2-style JSP pages. In this case, you would work with the Struts Page Flow Diagram to create action mappings.

  8. The page will open in the Visual Editor. Be sure to leave the Design view selected.

  9. From the Data Control Palette insert a databound UI component into your open web page.

    You will use the Data Control Palette in JDeveloper to quickly assemble your databound pages. For further suggestions about the pages you can create, see Designing the User Interface with Oracle ADF Databound Components.

To subclass PageLifeCycle and handle Oracle ADF events:

  1. In the Navigator, select your web application project.

  2. Choose File | New to locate the Java Class dialog in the New Gallery.

  3. In the Categories list, expand General and select Simple Files.

  4. In the Items list, select Java Class and click OK to open the Create Java Class dialog.

  5. In the Create Java Class dialog, enter the class name. For example, MyLifeCycle.

  6. Click Browse next to the Extends field and locate the PageLifeCycle class in the Class Browser dialog:

    Class Browser shows PageLifeCycle class.

  7. Click OK to add the class to your project. The file opens in the Java Code Editor.

  8. Add this import statement to the source code of the lifecycle class:

    import oracle.adf.controller.lifecycle.LifecycleContext;

  9. Write the event handler code for each operation that you added to your page from the Data Control Palette.

    For example, if you use the Data Control Palette to drop a setCurrentRowWithKey(String) operation as a button into your page, you will write an event handler that looks like this:

      public void onSetCurrentRowWithKey(LifecycleContext ctx) 
             super.invokeActionBinding(ctx, "setCurrentRowWithKey"); 
           public void onSubmit(LifecycleContext ctx)
             if (!this.hasErrors(ctx))

To reference the lifecycle class in the web page that needs to handle the event:

  1. In the Navigator, select the web page for which you have created the custom event handler.

  2. Display the Structure window and select adf:uimodelreference.

  3. Open the Property Inspector by choosing V iew | Property Inspector.

  4. In the Property Inspector, select lifecycle and click the ellipses (...) to the right.

  5. In the Lifecycle Class dialog, click Browse .

  6. In the Class Browser, locate your custom lifecycle class and then click OK.

The first time you insert a databound UI component from the Data Control Palette into your JSP page:

The resulting project files, together with the model reference ( ${bindings.MyBindingObject.propertyName.attributeName}) in the databound UI components, permit the web application to access the Oracle ADF model layer at runtime. For further details, see About the ADF-Specific Project Files.

At runtime, the inserted UI components are rendered through a combination of JSTL tags and EL expressions to access the ADF bindings.

You can proceed to customize the appearance of your web page using the Visual Editor. Because this is a Model 1 web page, you can run the web page directly from the Application Navigator.

For an overview of Oracle ADF:

For details about the Data Control Palette:

For an overview of the differences between Model 2 and Model 1 web pages:


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