Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Uses of Interface

Packages that use JboValidatorInterface
oracle.jbo.rules Contains sample validation beans. 
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 
oracle.jbo.uicli.binding Contains JClient classes that handle interaction with BC4J objects for various JClient bindings. 

Uses of JboValidatorInterface in oracle.adf.model.generic

Methods in oracle.adf.model.generic with parameters of type JboValidatorInterface
 void StructureDefImpl.addValidator(JboValidatorInterface intf)
 void AttributeDefImpl.addValidator(JboValidatorInterface intf)

Uses of JboValidatorInterface in oracle.jbo.rules

Subinterfaces of JboValidatorInterface in oracle.jbo.rules
 interface GenericValidator
          Implemented by validators for domain datatypes.

Classes in oracle.jbo.rules that implement JboValidatorInterface
 class JboCompareValidator
          A validator that tests literal values by comparing them to a pre-defined value, using a pre-defined relation.
 class JboGenericValidator
          A validator for domain attributes.
 class JboListValidator
          A validator that tests for the presence of a literal value in a list of pre-defined values.
 class JboMethodValidator
          A validator that tests values by passing them to a validation method.
 class JboNonNullValidator
          Implements non-null validation for mandatory attributes.
 class JboPrecisionScaleValidator
          Implements precision and scale validation for numeric attributes and length validation for string and character attributes.
 class JboRangeValidator
          A validator that tests if a literal value lies within a pre-defined range.

Methods in oracle.jbo.rules that return JboValidatorInterface
static JboValidatorInterface RulesBeanUtils.loadValidatorBean( elem)
static JboValidatorInterface RulesBeanUtils.loadValidationRule( elem, java.lang.Class errorMessageClz)

Methods in oracle.jbo.rules with parameters of type JboValidatorInterface
 void ValidationManager.addValidator(JboValidatorInterface intf)

Uses of JboValidatorInterface in oracle.jbo.server

Classes in oracle.jbo.server that implement JboValidatorInterface
 class JboMandatoryAttributesValidator
          Implements non-null validation for mandatory attributes.

Methods in oracle.jbo.server with parameters of type JboValidatorInterface
protected  void EntityDefImpl.removeValidator(JboValidatorInterface listener)
          Removes a VetoableChangeListener from the listener list.
protected  void EntityDefImpl.addValidator(JboValidatorInterface listener)
          Adds a JboValidatorInterface to the listener list.
 void AttributeDefImpl.addValidator(JboValidatorInterface listener)
          Add a JboValidatorInterface to the listener list.
 void AttributeDefImpl.removeValidator(JboValidatorInterface listener)
          Removes a JboValidatorInterface from the listener list.

Uses of JboValidatorInterface in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding

Methods in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding with parameters of type JboValidatorInterface
 void JUCtrlValueDef.addValidator(JboValidatorInterface intf)

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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